1 - Getting Started

Tutorial on how to install and run Terrascan for the first time.

Terrascan is a static code analyzer for Infrastructure as Code. It can be installed and run in a number of different ways, and is most commonly used in automated pipelines to identify policy violations before insecure infrastructure is provisioned.

Running Terrascan for the First Time

Quickly get started with these common first tasks:

Installing Terrascan

Terrascan is a portable executable that does not strictly require installation, and is also available as a container image in Docker Hub. You can use Terrascan in two different methods based on your preference:

  1. Installing Terrascan locally
  2. Using a Docker container

Native executable

Terrascan’s release page includes latest version of builds for common platforms. Download and extract the package for your platform. Follow instructions that apply to your platform:

macOS and Linux

Download the latest version of builds for macOS and enter the following command. Note: for linux, replace Darwin with Linux

$ curl -L "$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/tenable/terrascan/releases/latest | grep -o -E "https://.+?_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz")" > terrascan.tar.gz
$ tar -xf terrascan.tar.gz terrascan && rm terrascan.tar.gz
$ install terrascan /usr/local/bin && rm terrascan
$ terrascan

If you want to use this executable for the rest of this quickstart, it will help to create an alias or install the executable onto your path. For example with bash you could do something like this:

$ sudo install terrascan /usr/local/bin


$ alias terrascan="`pwd`/terrascan"


Download the latest version of builds for Windows and enter the following command:

tar -zxf terrascan_<version number>_Windows_x86_64.tar.gz

Using a Docker Container

Terrascan is also available as a Docker image in Docker Hub and can be used as follows (assuming you have Docker installed):

$ docker run --rm tenable/terrascan version

If you want to use the Docker image for the rest of this “Getting Started” guide, please refer to the following command. Note the volume (-v) that is being mapped to the docker, and modify it if necessary to suit your environment.

$ alias terrascan="docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/iac" -w /iac tenable/terrascan"

Note: This command includes a few extra options to enable Terrascan has access to the current directory when it is run.

Scanning with Terrascan

Example of interactive scan or using CLI

In this example, the KaiMonkey project contains some vulnerable Terraform files to scan. To run a scan, follow these steps:

$ git clone https://github.com/tenable/KaiMonkey
$ cd KaiMonkey/terraform/aws
$ terrascan scan

By default Terrascan will output its findings in human friendly format:

Violation Details -

	Description    :	S3 bucket Access is allowed to all AWS Account Users.
	File           :	modules/storage/main.tf
	Line           :	104
	Severity       :	HIGH

	Description    :	S3 bucket Access is allowed to all AWS Account Users.
	File           :	modules/storage/main.tf
	Line           :	112
	Severity       :	HIGH

	Description    :	Ensure that your RDS database has IAM Authentication enabled.
	File           :	modules/storage/main.tf
	Line           :	45
	Severity       :	HIGH

	Description    :	Ensure VPC flow logging is enabled in all VPCs
	File           :	modules/network/main.tf
	Line           :	4
	Severity       :	MEDIUM

	Description    :	EC2 instances should disable IMDS or require IMDSv2
	File           :	modules/compute/main.tf
	Line           :	124
	Severity       :	MEDIUM

	Description    :	http port open to internet
	File           :	modules/network/main.tf
	Line           :	102
	Severity       :	HIGH

	Description    :	Enabling S3 versioning will enable easy recovery from both unintended user actions, like deletes and overwrites
	File           :	modules/storage/main.tf
	Line           :	104
	Severity       :	HIGH

	Description    :	Enabling S3 versioning will enable easy recovery from both unintended user actions, like deletes and overwrites
	File           :	modules/storage/main.tf
	Line           :	112
	Severity       :	HIGH

	Description    :	AWS CloudWatch log group is not encrypted with a KMS CMK
	File           :	modules/compute/main.tf
	Line           :	115
	Severity       :	HIGH

Scan Summary -

	File/Folder         :	/var/folders/2g/9lkfm6ld2lv350svwr15fdgc0000gn/T/x9wqg4/terraform/aws
	IaC Type            :	terraform
	Scanned At          :	2021-01-15 03:11:31.869816 +0000 UTC
	Policies Validated  :	571
	Violated Policies   :	9
	Low                 :	0
	Medium              :	2
	High                :	7

You should see a total of 9 violations, which are detailed in the output.

Now that you understand how to run Terrascan, you can explore various options available. The usage page covers the options in detail. For more information, see Related resources.

If you do not want terrascan to use os.TempDir() for downloading/cloning of remote repository, terraform module or template files you can specify the directory to use by setting TERRRASCAN_CUSTOM_TEMP_DIR environment variable.

Related resources

  • The usage guide explains general usage, how to scan other types of IaC (such as: Kubernetes, Helm, and Kustomize), List of other IaC providers (e.g. Kubernetes, Helm, etc.), instructions to limit the scan to specific directories or files, and generating the output in different formats.
  • The CI/CD page explains how to integrate Terrascan on CI/CD pipelines.
  • Terrascan Policy Reference

2 - Usage

In depth look into the many options Terrascan supports

For steps to install locally, or run Terrascan from docker, see this section.

Building Terrascan

Terrascan is a Go binary that you can build locally. This is useful if you want to be on the latest version, or when modding Terrascan.

$ git clone git@github.com:tenable/terrascan.git
$ cd terrascan
$ make build
$ ./bin/terrascan

Using Terrascan

This section provides an overview of the different ways you can use Terrascan:

  1. Command line mode provides list of Terrascan commands with descriptions.
  2. Server mode using Terrascan as API server

See Configuring Terrascan to learn more about Terrascan’s configuration file.

See In-File Instrumentation to learn how to granularly customize your scan based on particular resources and rules. For example, by skipping certain rules or resources.


Terrascan can be integrated into various platforms and configured to validate policies to provide run time security. Currently Terrascan supports the following integrations:

  1. Kubernetes (K8s) Admissions webhooks
  2. ArgoCD
  3. Atlantis
  4. Github and GitLab or CI/CD pipelines

2.1 - Command Line Options

Run Terrascan in terminal. Read about flags and command line arguments.

This section contains the following information:

The following is a description of all the commands available. Terrascan’s interface is divided into subcommands as follows:

  • init = Initializes Terrascan by downloading the latest Rego policies into ~/.terrascan. The scan command will implicitly run this before a scan if it detects that there are no policies found.
  • scan = scans Infrastructure as code files based on the policies contained within the “.terrascan” directory
  • server = Starts the Terrascan’s API server
  • help = You can view the usage menu by typing help or using the -h flag on any subcommand (e.g. terrascan init -h). You can also view this by typing terrascan without flags or other arguments.

Terrascan Commands

$ terrascan

Detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure as Code to mitigate risk before provisioning cloud native infrastructure.
For more information, please visit https://runterrascan.io/

  terrascan [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Provides usage info about any command
  init        Initialize Terrascan
  scan        Start scan to detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure as Code.
  server      Run Terrascan as an API server
  version     Shows the Terrascan version you are currently using.

  -c, --config-path string      config file path
  -h, --help                    help for terrascan
  -l, --log-level string        log level (debug, info, warn, error, panic, fatal) (default "info")
      --log-output-dir string   directory path to write the log and output files
  -x, --log-type string         log output type (console, json) (default "console")
  -o, --output string           output type (human, json, yaml, xml, junit-xml, sarif, github-sarif) (default "human")
      --temp-dir string         temporary directory path to download remote repository,module and templates

Use "terrascan [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Initializing (optional)

The initialization process downloads the latest policies from the repository into ~/.terrascan. By default the policies are installed here: ~/.terrascan/pkg/policies/opa/rego and are fetched while scanning an IaC. Use the following command to start the initialization process if you are updating the policies:

$ terrascan init

Note: The init command is implicitly executed if the scan command does not find policies while executing.


If the scan command is used with no arguments (as shown below), the scan will include all supported cloud providers on Terraform HCL files:

$ terrascan scan

The scan command supports flags to configure the following:

  • Specify a directory to be scanned
  • Specify a particular IaC file to be scanned
  • Configure IaC provider type
  • Directory path to policies
  • Specify policy type
  • Retrieve vulnerability scanning results from docker images referenced in IaC

The full list of flags for the scan command can be found by typing terrascan scan -h

Scanning current directory containing terraform files for AWS Resources

The following will scan the current directory containing Terraform HCL2 files for AWS resources:

$ terrascan scan -t aws

Scanning for a specific IaC provider

By default, Terrascan defaults to scanning Terraform HCL files. Use the -i flag to change the IaC provider. Here’s an example of scanning kubernetes yaml files:

$ terrascan scan -i k8s

Scanning code remotely

Terrascan can be installed remotely to scan remote repositories or code resources using the -r and -u flags. Here’s an example:

$ terrascan scan -t aws -r git -u git@github.com:tenable/KaiMonkey.git//terraform/aws

Important: The URLs for the remote repositories should follow similar naming conventions as the source argument for modules in Terraform. For more details, see this article.

Scanning private Terraform module repositories

When scanning Terraform code, Terrascan checks for the environment variable TF_CLI_CONFIG_FILE. If found uses the credential file provided in that environment variable to authenticate a private terraform module registry. If the env variable is not found then checks for the availability of the file ~/.terraformrc. This file contains credential information to authenticate a private terraform module registry. If this file is present, Terrascan will attempt to use the credentials when authenticating the private repository. For more details on the format of this file, please see Terraform’s config file documentation.

Configuring the output format for a scan

By default, Terrascan output is displayed in a human friendly format. Use the -o flag to change this to YAML, JSON, XML, JUNIT-XML and SARIF formats.

Note: Terrascan will exit with an error code if any errors or violations are found during a scan.

List of possible Exit Codes

Scenario Exit Code
scan summary has errors and violations 5
scan summary has errors but no violations 4
scan summary has violations but no errors 3
scan summary has no violations or errors 0
scan command errors out due to invalid inputs 1

Terrascan’s output is a list of security violations present in the scanned IaC files. The example below is terrascan’s output in YAML.

$ terrascan scan -t aws
  - rule_name: scanOnPushDisabled
    description: Unscanned images may contain vulnerabilities
    rule_id: AWS.ECR.DataSecurity.High.0578
    severity: MEDIUM
    category: Data Security
    resource_name: scanOnPushDisabled
    resource_type: aws_ecr_repository
    file: ecr.tf
    line: 1
    low: 0
    medium: 1
    high: 0
    total: 1

Scanning a Helm Chart

Helm chart can be scanned by specifying “helm” on the -i flag as follows:

$ terrascan scan -i helm

This command will recursively look for Chart.yaml files in the current directory and scan rendered .yaml, .yml, .tpl template files found under the corresponding /templates directory.

A specific directory to scan can be specified using the -d flag. The Helm IaC provider does not support scanning of individual files using the -f flag.

Scanning a Kustomize Chart

A Kustomize chart can be scanned by specifying “kustomize” on the -i flag as follows:

$ terrascan scan -i kustomize

This command looks for a kustomization.yaml file in the current directory and scans rendered .yaml or .yml template files.

Terrascan considers Kustomize v4 as the default version. Other supported versions (v2 and v3) of Kustomize could be scanned by specifying –iac-version flag as follows:

$ terrascan scan -i kustomize --iac-version v2

Scanning v2 and v3 requires the corresponding Kustomize binary and the path to the binary must be specified in the KUSTOMIZE_<VERSION> ENV variable.

e.g: For –iac-version v2, we need to have:


To install Kustomize one can use this script

A specific directory to scan can be specified using the -d flag. The Kustomize IaC provider does not support scanning of individual files using the -f flag.

Scanning a Dockerfile

A Dockerfile can be scanned by specifying “docker” on the -i flag as follows:

$ terrascan scan -i docker

This command looks for a Dockerfile in the current directory and scans that file.

A specific directory to scan can be specified using the -d flag. With the -d flag, it will check for all the docker files (named as Dockerfile) in the provided directory recursively. A specific dockerfile can be scanned using -f flag by providing a path to the file.

Retrieve Container Image Vulnerabilities

Terrascan can display vulnerabilities for container images present in the IaC files being scanned by specifying the --find-vuln flag along with the scan command as follows:

$ terrascan scan -i <IaC Provider> --find-vuln

This command looks for container images referenced in the IaC files and retrieves any vulnerabilities as reported by its container registry.

Supported container registries: AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Azure Container Registry, Google Container Registry, Google Artifact Registry, and Harbor Container Registry.

The following environment variables are required when connecting to the container registries:

AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

ECR requires your environment to be configured similar to the requirements of AWS’s SDK. For example, the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_REGION environment variables can be set when connecting to AWS using API keys for an AWS user. More information here.

Google Container Registry and Artifact Registry

Terrascan requires a service account with access to the Container Analysis and Container Registry permissions. The GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable can be set to the path of the service account’s key when scanning. More information about GCP authentication available here.

Azure Container Registry

When integrating vulnerability results from Azure, Terrascan requires the AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION, and AZURE_ACR_PASSWORD environment variables.

The AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION should contain the path to your azure authentication json. You can generate this as follows:

az ad sp create-for-rbac --sdk-auth > azure.auth

After generating the file, set the azure.auth file path as the AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION environment variable. More information about using file based authentication for the Azure SDK available here.

Terrascan also requires the password to the registry set into the AZURE_ACR_PASSWORD environment variable. This can be fetched using the az cli as follows:

az acr credential show --name RegistryName

Harbor Container Registry

When integrating vulnerability results from Harbor, Terrascan requires the HARBOR_REGISTRY_USERNAME, HARBOR_REGISTRY_PASSWORD,HARBOR_REGISTRY_CACERT, HARBOR_SKIP_TLS, and HARBOR_REGISTRY_DOMAIN environment variables.

The HARBOR_REGISTRY_DOMAIN environment variable helps Terrascan identify the registry’s domain.

The HARBOR_SKIP_TLS environment variable can be set to true to avoid TLS errors when Harbor is using a non-trusted TLS certificate. This is not recommended for production use.

Resource Config

While scanning a IaC, Terrascan loads all the IaC files, creates a list of resource configs and then processes this list to report violations. For debugging purposes, you can print this resource configs list as an output by using the --config-only flag to the terrascan scan command.

$  terrascan scan -i terraform -t aws -f elb.tf --config-only -o json
  "aws_elb": [
      "id": "aws_elb.public_elb",
      "name": "public_elb",
      "module_name": "root",
      "source": "elb.tf",
      "line": 1,
      "type": "aws_elb",
      "config": {
        "connection_draining": true,
        "health_check": [
            "healthy_threshold": 2,
            "interval": 15,
            "target": "HTTP:80/index.html",
            "timeout": 3,
            "unhealthy_threshold": 2
        "instances": "${aws_instance.web.*.id}",
        "listener": [
            "instance_port": 80,
            "instance_protocol": "http",
            "lb_port": 80,
            "lb_protocol": "http"
        "name": "${local.prefix.value}-public-elb",
        "security_groups": [
        "subnets": "${aws_subnet.public.*.id}",
        "tags": {
          "Name": "${local.prefix.value}-public-elb"
      "line_config": {
        "connection_draining": 16,
        "health_check": [
            "healthy_threshold": 9,
            "interval": 13,
            "target": 12,
            "timeout": 11,
            "unhealthy_threshold": 10
        "instances": 6,
        "listener": [
            "instance_port": 18,
            "instance_protocol": 19,
            "lb_port": 20,
            "lb_protocol": 21
        "name": 2,
        "security_groups": 5,
        "subnets": 4,
        "tags": {
          "Name": 25
      "skip_rules": null,
      "max_severity": "",
      "min_severity": ""

More details on scan command

List of options for scan command:

Flag Description Options (default highlighted )
-h Help for scan command See a list of all flags supported and descriptions. The default options for all commands are highlighted in bold
-d Use this to scan a specific directory. Use “.” for current directory AWS, GCP, Azure, and GitHub
-f Use this command to scan a specific file <tbd any formats/limitations for example file size>
-i type Use this to change the IaC provider arm, cft, docker, helm, k8s, kustomize, terraform
–iac-version version Use this in conjunction with - i type to specify the version of IaC provider Supported versions of each IaC are: arm: v1, cft: v1, docker: v1, helm: v3, k8s: v1, kustomize: v2, v3, v4, terraform: v12, v13, v14, v15
-p Use this to specify directory path for policies By default policies are installed here:
-t Use this to specify individual cloud providers all, aws, azure, gcp, github, k8s
-r Use this to specify directory path for remote backend git, s3, gcs, http
-u Use this to specify directory URL for remote IaC repositories see options below
scan-rules Specify rules to scan, example: –scan-rules=“ruleID1,ruleID2”
skip-rules Specify one or more rules to skip while scanning. Example: –skip-rules=“ruleID1,ruleID2”
use-colors Configure the color for output (auto, t, f)
–non-recursive Use this for non recursive directories and modules scan By default directory is scanned recursively, if this flag is used then only provided root directory will be scanned
–webhook-token string Optional token used when sending authenticated requests to the notification webhook This flag is optional when using the notification webhook
–webhook-url A webhook URL where Terrascan will send JSON scan report and normalized IaC JSON This overrides any notification webhook URLs configured in config TOML file specified with the -c flag
–use-terraform-cache Use this to refer terraform remote modules from terraform init cache rather than downloading By default remote module will be downloaded in temporary directory. If this flag is set then modules will be refered from terraform init cache if module is not present in terraform init cache it will be downloaded. Directory will be scanned non recurively if this flag is used.(applicable only with terraform IaC provider)
–find-vuln find vulnerabilities Use this to fetch vulnerabilities identified on the registry for docker images present in IaC the files scanned
–repo-url repository url This flag can be used to include the repository URL as part of scan results and notifications
–repo-ref repository branch name This flag can be used to include the repository branch name as part of scan results and notifications
-v verbose Displays violations with all details
Global flags Description Options
-c Use this to specify config file settings Format supported is *.TOML
-l Use this to specify what log settings debug, info, warn, error, panic, fatal
–log-output-dir Use this to specify the directory path for writing the scan output to files along with console output. Using this flag will generate two files in the directory path provided, terrascan.log and scan-result.<ext>. The scan-result file extension will be in sync with -o flag (e.g. -o json will create scan-result.json). In case the directory could not be resolved, the scan logs and results will be printed on console only.
-x Use this to specify the log file format console, json
-o Use this to specify the scan output type human, json, yaml, xml, junit-xml, sarif, github-sarif
–temp-dir Use this to specify temporary directory path to download remote repository,module and templates

Full help for scan command:

$ terrascan scan -h

Detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure as Code to mitigate risk before provisioning cloud native infrastructure.

  terrascan scan [flags]

      --categories strings                  list of categories of violations to be reported by terrascan (example: --categories="category1,category2")
      --config-only                         will output resource config (should only be used for debugging purposes)
      --find-vuln                           fetches vulnerabilities identified in Docker images
  -h, --help                                help for scan
  -d, --iac-dir string                      path to a directory containing one or more IaC files (default ".")
  -f, --iac-file string                     path to a single IaC file
  -i, --iac-type string                     iac type (arm, cft, docker, helm, k8s, kustomize, terraform, tfplan)
      --iac-version string                  iac version (arm: v1, cft: v1, docker: v1, helm: v3, k8s: v1, kustomize: v2, v3, v4, terraform: v12, v13, v14, v15, tfplan: v1)
      --non-recursive                       do not scan directories and modules recursively
      --webhook-token string   the auth token to call the notification webhook URL
      --webhook-url string     the URL where terrascan will send the scan report and normalized config json
  -p, --policy-path stringArray             policy path directory
  -t, --policy-type strings                 policy type (all, aws, azure, docker, gcp, github, k8s) (default [all])
  -r, --remote-type string                  type of remote backend (git, s3, gcs, http, terraform-registry)
  -u, --remote-url string         url pointing to remote IaC repository
      --repo-ref string           branch of the repo being scanned
      --repo-url string           URL of the repo being scanned, will be reflected in scan summary
      --scan-rules strings                  one or more rules to scan (example: --scan-rules="ruleID1,ruleID2")
      --severity string                     minimum severity level of the policy violations to be reported by terrascan
      --show-passed                         display passed rules, along with violations
      --skip-rules strings                  one or more rules to skip while scanning (example: --skip-rules="ruleID1,ruleID2")
      --use-colors string                   color output (auto, t, f) (default "auto")
      --use-terraform-cache                 use terraform init cache for remote modules (when used directory scan will be non recursive, flag applicable only with terraform IaC provider)
  -v, --verbose                             will show violations with details (applicable for default output)

Global Flags:
  -c, --config-path string      config file path
  -l, --log-level string        log level (debug, info, warn, error, panic, fatal) (default "info")
      --log-output-dir string   directory path to write the log and output files
  -x, --log-type string         log output type (console, json) (default "console")
  -o, --output string           output type (human, json, yaml, xml, junit-xml, sarif, github-sarif) (default "human")
      --temp-dir string         temporary directory path to download remote repository,module and templates

2.2 - Server mode

Run Terrascan as an API server

Server mode will execute Terrascan’s API server. This is useful when using Terrascan to enforce a unified set of policies and configuration in multiple parts of the software development pipelines. It also simplifies programmatically interacting with Terrascan. By default the http server listens in port 9010 and supports the following routes:

Note: URL placeholders are equivalent to the command line flags in the scan command

API Routes

Check health of server

  • GET - /health

Scan IaC File

  • POST - /v1/{iac}/{iacVersion}/{cloud}/local/file/scan

POST Parameter: file - Content of the file to be scanned

Example: curl -i -F "file=@aws_cloudfront_distribution.tf" localhost:9010/v1/terraform/v14/aws/local/file/scan

Scan Remote IaC

  • POST - /v1/{iac}/{iacVersion}/{cloud}/remote/dir/scan

Run Terrascan in Server Mode

You can launch server mode by executing the Terrascan binary, or with a Docker container. Use the following to execute the Terrascan CLI:

$ terrascan server

Use this command to launch Terrascan server mode using Docker:

$ docker run --rm --name terrascan -p 9010:9010 tenable/terrascan

Example of how to send a request to the Terrascan server using curl:

$ curl -i -F "file=@aws_cloudfront_distribution.tf" localhost:9010/v1/terraform/v14/aws/local/file/scan
HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2020 02:45:35 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

  "results": {
    "violations": [
        "rule_name": "cloudfrontNoGeoRestriction",
        "description": "Ensure that geo restriction is enabled for your Amazon CloudFront CDN distribution to whitelist or blacklist a country in order to allow or restrict users in specific locations from accessing web application content.",
        "rule_id": "AWS.CloudFront.Network Security.Low.0568",
        "severity": "LOW",
        "category": "Network Security",
        "resource_name": "s3-distribution-TLS-v1",
        "resource_type": "aws_cloudfront_distribution",
        "file": "terrascan-492583054.tf",
        "line": 7
        "rule_name": "cloudfrontNoHTTPSTraffic",
        "description": "Use encrypted connection between CloudFront and origin server",
        "rule_id": "AWS.CloudFront.EncryptionandKeyManagement.High.0407",
        "severity": "HIGH",
        "category": "Encryption and Key Management",
        "resource_name": "s3-distribution-TLS-v1",
        "resource_type": "aws_cloudfront_distribution",
        "file": "terrascan-492583054.tf",
        "line": 7
        "rule_name": "cloudfrontNoHTTPSTraffic",
        "description": "Use encrypted connection between CloudFront and origin server",
        "rule_id": "AWS.CloudFront.EncryptionandKeyManagement.High.0407",
        "severity": "HIGH",
        "category": "Encryption and Key Management",
        "resource_name": "s3-distribution-TLS-v1",
        "resource_type": "aws_cloudfront_distribution",
        "file": "terrascan-492583054.tf",
        "line": 7
        "rule_name": "cloudfrontNoLogging",
        "description": "Ensure that your AWS Cloudfront distributions have the Logging feature enabled in order to track all viewer requests for the content delivered through the Content Delivery Network (CDN).",
        "rule_id": "AWS.CloudFront.Logging.Medium.0567",
        "severity": "MEDIUM",
        "category": "Logging",
        "resource_name": "s3-distribution-TLS-v1",
        "resource_type": "aws_cloudfront_distribution",
        "file": "terrascan-492583054.tf",
        "line": 7
        "rule_name": "cloudfrontNoSecureCiphers",
        "description": "Secure ciphers are not used in CloudFront distribution",
        "rule_id": "AWS.CloudFront.EncryptionandKeyManagement.High.0408",
        "severity": "HIGH",
        "category": "Encryption and Key Management",
        "resource_name": "s3-distribution-TLS-v1",
        "resource_type": "aws_cloudfront_distribution",
        "file": "terrascan-492583054.tf",
        "line": 7
    "count": {
      "low": 1,
      "medium": 1,
      "high": 3,
      "total": 5

2.3 - In-file Instrumentation

Terrascan can be instrumented using special commands inside your IaC files (Terraform, K8s and dockerfile)

Today, Terrascan supports these instrumentations:

  • Rule Skipping
  • Resource Prioritization

Rule Skipping

Rule skipping allows you to specify a rule that should not be applied to a particular resource.

Note: In-file instrumentation will skip the rule only for the resource it is defined in. The skip_rules parameter in the config file will skip the rule for the entire scan.

In Terraform

Use the syntax #ts:skip=RuleID optional_comment inside a resource to skip the rule for that resource.


resource "aws_db_instance" "PtShGgAdi4" {
  #ts:skip=AWS.RDS.DataSecurity.High.0414 Reason to skip this rule
  allocated_storage       = 20
  storage_type            = "gp2"
  engine                  = "mysql"
  engine_version          = "5.7"
  instance_class          = "db.t2.micro"

In Kubernetes

Use the annotation runterrascan.io/skip:[{\"rule\": \RuleID\", \"comment\": \"reason to skip the rule\"}] inside a resource to skip the rule for that resource.


apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: ingress-demo-disallowed
    runterrascan.io/skip: "[{\"rule\": \"AC-K8-NS-IN-H-0020\", \"comment\": \"reason to skip the rule\"}]"
    - host: example-host.example.com
          - backend:
              serviceName: nginx
              servicePort: 80

In Dockerfile

Use the syntax #ts:skip=RuleID optional_comment inside the dockerfile to skip the rule for that resource.


FROM runatlantis/atlantis:v0.16.1
#ts:skip=AC_DOCKER_0001 skip this rule.
RUN terrascan init
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "entrypoint.sh"]
CMD ["server"]

Resource Prioritization

Resource prioritization allows you set maximum and minimum severities for violations in a given resource. Are you configuring a very sensitive resource? Set the minimum severity to High, so low and medium violations will be escalated. Need to suppress all violations from a particular resource? Set the maximum severity to None.

For maximum severity, meaningful options are Medium, Low, and None.

For minimum severity, meaningful options are High and Medium.

In Terraform

Use the syntax #ts:maxseverity=SEVERITY, or #ts:minseverity=SEVERITY inside a resource to skip the rule for that resource.


resource "aws_db_instance" "PtShGgAdi4" {
  allocated_storage       = 20
  storage_type            = "gp2"
  engine                  = "mysql"
  engine_version          = "5.7"
  instance_class          = "db.t2.micro"

In Kubernetes

Use the annotation runterrascan.io/minseverity: SEVERITY, or runterrascan.io/maxseverity: SEVERITY inside a resource to skip the rule for that resource.


apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: ingress-demo-disallowed
    runterrascan.io/minseverity: Low
    - host: example-host.example.com
          - backend:
              serviceName: nginx
              servicePort: 80

In Dockerfile

Use the syntax #ts:maxseverity=SEVERITY, or #ts:minseverity=SEVERITY inside a dockerfile to skip the rule for that resource.


FROM runatlantis/atlantis:v0.16.1
RUN terrascan init
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "entrypoint.sh"]
CMD ["server"]

2.4 - Configuration File

Configure Terrascan via it’s configuration file.

You can provide a configuration file in TOML format to configure the Terrascan.

Command to specify config File

Use the -c or --config-path flag provide a TOML configuration file for Terrascan.

$ terrascan scan -c <config file path>

Here’s an example config file:

    url = "https://httpbin.org/post"
    token = "my_auth_token"

level = "medium"
    skip-rules = [

    denied-categories = [
        "Network Ports Security"
    denied-severity = "high"

environment = "<environment_url>"
access_token = "<access_token>"

You can specify the following configurations:

  • scan-rules - Specify one or more rules to scan. All other rules in the policy pack will be skipped.
  • skip-rules - Specify one or more rules to skip while scanning. All other rules in the policy pack will be applied.
  • severity - the minimal level of severity of the policies to be scanned and displayed. Options are high, medium and low
  • category - the list of type of categories of the policies to be scanned and displayed
  • notifications - This configuration can be used, as seen in the example above, to send the output of scans as a webhook to a remote server. Note that the --notification-webhook-url CLI flag will override any URLs configured through a configuration file.

k8s-admission-control - Config options for K8s Admission Controllers and GitOps workflows:

  • denied-severity - Violations of this or higher severity will cause and admission rejection. Lower severity violations will be warnings. Options are high, medium. and low
  • denied-categories - Violations from these policy categories will lead to an admission rejection. Policy violations of other categories will lead to warnings.
  • dashboard=true - enable the /logs endpoint to log and graphically display K8s admission requests and violations. Default is false

policy - Config options for policy source and destination path information

  • path - Sets the local path for terrascan files including policies

  • rego_subdir - Sub directory within the base path for caching policies

  • repo_url - Repository from which all the policies must be downloaded

  • branch - Specific branch out of the repository to pull the policies

  • environment - Authenticated environment URL for downloading policies. Supercedes any other source if its set along with a valid access token

  • access_token - Authentication token to download policies from authenticated environment


Logging can be configured by using the -l or --log-level flags with possible values being: debug, info, warn, error, panic, or fatal. This defaults to “info”.

In addition to the default “console” logs, the logs can be configured to be output in JSON by using the -x or --log-type flag with the value of json.

3 - Integrations

A growing list of guides on integrating Terrascan with different tools in the software development lifecycle.

Terrascan can be integrated into many tools in the development pipeline. When integrated into a tool, vulnerability scanning is automated as part of the commit or build process. It can run on a developer’s laptop, a SCM (e.g. GitHub), and CI\CD servers (e.g. ArgoCD and Jenkins). It also has a built in Admission Controller for Kubernetes.

Please see the following guides for integrating Terrascan in different use cases. If the product you want to integrate with is not listed, do not fret. Terrascan supports many output formats (YAML, JSON, XML, JUNIT-XML and SARIF) to suit the variety of tools in the ecosystem. For example, it’s straightforward to integrate with Jenkins using the JUNIT-XML format.

Go to the Usage page for more details.

Community Guides and Blogs:

Our Integration Guides:

3.1 - Kubernetes Admission Controller

Configure Terrascan as a Kubernetes Admission Controller


Terrascan can be integrated with K8s admissions webhooks. Admission controllers help you control resources created on a kubernetes cluster. By using Terrascan as an admission controller, resources violating security policies can be prevented from getting created in a Kubernetes cluster.

Note on SSL certificates: You can use valid SSL certificates or create self signed certificates and have your Kubernetes cluster trust it.

Installation Guide

To configure Terrascan as an admission controller, follow these steps:

  1. Create an instance of Terrascan which meets specified requirements as detailed below. Ensure Terrascan is accessible via HTTPS from the kubernetes API server.
  2. Create Terrascan config file.
  3. Run Terrascan in server mode.
  4. Configure a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration resource in kubernetes cluster pointing to the Terrascan server.
  5. Test your set up.

Step 1: Create an instance of Terrascan

Create an instance of Terrascan. To scan K8s configurations, your Terrascan instance must meet the following requirements.

  1. Make sure Terrascan is accessible via HTTPS. Ensure your cloud firewall is configured to allow this.
  2. Have a valid SSL certificate for the served domain name using one of the suggested methods below:
    • Use a subdomain of your choice (e.g dev-terrascan-k8s.tenable.com) and create a valid certificate for this subdomain through your SSL certificate provider. You can use Let’s Encrypt which is a free, simple to use certificate authority.
    • Use a reverse-proxy to serve SSL requests; for example, use Cloudflare Flexible to get a certificate by a trusted-CA to your self-signed certificate.
    • Generate a self-signed certificate and configure your K8s cluster to trust it. To add a trusted CA to ca-pemstore, as demonstrated in paraspatidar’s blog post.
  3. Use the Terrascan docker as demonstrated in this document, or run it from the sources.

Step 2: Create a Terrascan config file

For instructions to create a config file, see Usage . You can create a config file that specifies which policies to use in the scan and which violations should be rejected during admission.

  • Policies below the [severity] level will be ignored.
  • Policies below the [k8s-admission-control] denied-severity will be logged and displayed by Terrascan, but will not lead to a rejected admission response to the k8s API server.

Sample config file

A config file example: config.toml

  level = "medium"
      skip-rules = [

    denied-categories = [
        "Network Ports Security"
    denied-severity = "high"

You can specify the following configurations:

  • scan-rules - one or more rules to scan
  • skip-rules - one or more rules to skip while scanning
  • severity - the minimal level of severity of the policies to be scanned and displayed. Options are high, medium and low
  • category - the list of type of categories of the policies to be scanned and displayed

k8s-admission-control - Config options for K8s Admission Controllers and GitOps workflows:

  • denied-severity - Violations of this or higher severity will cause and admission rejection. Lower severity violations will be warnings. Options are high, medium. and low
  • denied-categories - violations from these policy categories will lead to an admission rejection. Policy violations of other categories will lead to warnings.
  • dashboard=true - enable the /logs endpoint to log and graphically display admission requests and violations. Default is false

Step 3: Run Terrascan in Server Mode

Run Terrascan docker image in your server using the following command:

 sudo docker run -p 443:9443 -v <DATA_PATH>:/data -u root -e K8S_WEBHOOK_API_KEY=<API_KEY> tenable/terrascan server --cert-path /data/cert.pem --key-path /data/key.pem -c /data/config.toml


  • <API_KEY> is a key used for authentication between your K8s environment and the Terrascan server. Generate your preferred key and use it here.
  • <DATA_PATH> is a directory path in your server where both the certificate and the private key .pem files are stored. This directory is also used to save the webhook logs. (Logs are in saves in SQLite file format)

Step 4: Configure a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration Resource in Kubernetes Cluster

Configure a new ValidatingWebhookConfiguration in your Kubernetes environment and specify your Terrascan server endpoint.


  cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
  apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1
  kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
    name: my.validation.example.check
    - name: my.validation.example.check
        - apiGroups:
            - ""
            - v1
            - CREATE
            - UPDATE
            - pods
            - services
      failurePolicy: Fail
        url: https://<SERVER_ADDRESS>/v1/k8s/webhooks/<API_KEY>/scan
      sideEffects: None
      admissionReviewVersions: ["v1"]
  • You can modify the rules that trigger the webhook according to your preferences.
  • Update the clientConfig URL with your terrascan server address and the API key you generated before.

Step 5: Test your settings

Try to run a new pod / service. For example:

  kubectl run mynginx --image=nginx

Go to https://<SERVER_ADDRESS>/k8s/webhooks/<API_KEY>/logs and verify your request is logged.

3.2 - Argo CD

Terrascan can be configured as an Argo CD job during the application sync process using ArgoCD’s resource hook.

Terrascan can be integrated with Argo CD in two ways

  1. Use terrascan as a pre-sync hook to scan remote repositories
  2. Use terrascan’s k8s admission controller along with a pre-sync that scans a configured repository with the admission controller webhook

Method 1. Configure terrascan as a PreSync hook and scan the remote repository.

Configure a PreSync hook

The following example of a hook yaml is nearly ready to be added to an existing kubernetes configuration. To complete the configutation, you need to:

  • Ensure that the secrets, known_hosts, and ssh_config volume are relevant for your specific environment.
  • Specify a terrascan image.

You can also map a slack notification script to the container which will send notifications to your Slack webhook endpoint after the embedded script scans the repo.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
 generateName: terrascan-hook-
   argocd.argoproj.io/hook: PreSync
 ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 3600
         type: RuntimeDefault
       #add a configmap for the slack notification scripts
       - name: notification-scripts
           name: slack-notifications
       #add all required ssh keys need to clone your repos
       - name: ssh-key-secret
           secretName: ssh-key-secret
       #add a secret for git config file
       - name: ssh-config
           secretName: ssh-config-secret
       #add a configmap for the ssh known_hosts file
       - name: ssh-known-hosts
           name: known-hosts-config
     - name: terrascan-argocd
       image: <terrscan-image>
           cpu: "1"
           memory: "256Mi"
           cpu: "1"
           memory: "256Mi"
       command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
       - >
         cp /etc/secret-volume/ssh-private-key /home/terrascan/.ssh/id_ed25519_github &&
         cp /etc/ssh-config-secret/ssh-config /home/terrascan/.ssh/config &&
         cp /etc/ssh-known-hosts-secret/ssh-known-hosts /home/terrascan/.ssh/known_hosts &&
         chmod -R 400 /home/terrascan/.ssh/* &&
         /go/bin/terrascan scan -r git -u <YOUR REPOSITORY PATH>-i k8s -t k8s | /data/notify_slack.sh webhook-tests argo-cd https://hooks.slack.com/services/TXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXX/0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX         
           type: RuntimeDefault
         allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
         runAsNonRoot: true
         runAsUser: 101
           - /go/bin/terrascan
           - version
         periodSeconds: 10
         initialDelaySeconds: 10
           - /go/bin/terrascan
           - version
         periodSeconds: 10
       #if want to use private repo
         - mountPath: /etc/secret-volume
           name: ssh-key-secret
           readOnly: true
         - mountPath: /etc/ssh-config-secret
           name: ssh-config
           readOnly: true
         - mountPath: /etc/ssh-known-hosts-secret
           name: ssh-known-hosts
           readOnly: true
         - mountPath: /data
           name: notification-scripts
           readOnly: true

     restartPolicy: Never
 backoffLimit: 1

Note: As shown above, the PreSync requires access to the repository where IaC is stored, using the same branch (default) as the ArgoCD application pipeline.

To allow users to check for violations in the web interface, configure the job to delete after the specified time, using the parameter ttlSecondsAfterFinished. In addition, violation can be reported as webhook notifications, as shown below.

Example slack notification script

function send_slack_notificaton {

  curl -X POST --data-urlencode payload="{\"channel\": \"#${channel}\", \"username\": \"${username}\", \"text\": \" \`\`\` $(cat results.out) \`\`\` \", \"icon_emoji\": \":ghost:\"}" ${slack_hook}

if [ -p /dev/stdin ]; then
  echo "processing terrascan results"
  while IFS= read line; do
          echo "${line}" | tr '\\"' ' ' >> results.out

  cat results.out

  send_slack_notificaton $1 $2 $3

  echo "notification exit code: $?"
  echo "no response skipping"

For private repositories, the private following keys must be added as kubernetes secret:

  • private key and ssh config as Secret
  • known_hostsas ConfigMap
 kubectl create secret generic ssh-key-secret \
   --from-file=ssh-privatekey= < path to your private key > \
    --from-file=ssh-publickey=< path to your public key >


  kubectl  create configmap ssh-known-hosts --from-file=< path to your known hosts file >
  kubectl  create configmap slack-notifications --from-file=< path to your notification script >

ssh config secret

 kubectl create secret generic ssh-config-secret \
   --from-file=< path to your ssh config file >
Example ssh config file
 Host github.com
  HostName github.com
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_github

After configuring the presynchook yaml file, add the file to the relevant repository folder to configure Argo CD.

Method 2. Use PreSyncHook to trigger the Terrascan Server Service

You can use a pre-deployed terrascan server service in K8s cluster to scan the remote repository from Argo CD PreSync hook. To configure, follow these steps:

Step 1: Configure Terrascan Server webhook deployment yaml file with required keys and volumes and service to expose the controller pod.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: terrascan-server
  app: terrascan
replicas: 1
    app: terrascan
      app: terrascan
    - name: terrascan
          memory: "256Mi"
          cpu: "1"
        - containerPort: 443
        initialDelaySeconds: 30
        periodSeconds: 10
        timeoutSeconds: 5
          path: /health
          port: 443
          scheme: HTTPS
        - name: K8S_WEBHOOK_API_KEY
          value: yoursecretapikey
        - mountPath: /data/certs
          name: terrascan-certs-secret
          readOnly: true
        - mountPath: /data/config
          name: terrascan-config
          readOnly: true
        - mountPath: /etc/secret-volume
          name: ssh-key-secret
          readOnly: true
        - mountPath: /etc/ssh-config-secret
          name: ssh-config
          readOnly: true
        - mountPath: /etc/ssh-known-hosts-secret
          name: ssh-known-hosts
          readOnly: true
      command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
        - >
          cp /etc/secret-volume/ssh-private-key /home/terrascan/.ssh/id_ed25519_github &&
          cp /etc/ssh-config-secret/ssh-config /home/terrascan/.ssh/config &&
          cp /etc/ssh-known-hosts-secret/ssh-known-hosts /home/terrascan/.ssh/known_hosts &&
          chmod -R 400 /home/terrascan/.ssh/* &&
          terrascan server --cert-path /data/certs/server.crt --key-path /data/certs/server.key -p 443 -l debug -c /data/config/config.toml          
      #add all required ssh keys need to clone your repos
      - name: ssh-key-secret
          secretName: ssh-key-secret
      #add a secret for git config file
      - name: ssh-config
          secretName: ssh-config-secret
      #add a configmap for the ssh known_hosts file
      - name: ssh-known-hosts
          name: known-hosts-config
      #add a configmap for the terrascan config.toml file
      - name: terrascan-config
          name: terrascan-config
      #add a secret for the tls certificates
      - name: terrascan-certs-secret
          secretName: terrascan-certs-secret

Service example

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: terrascan-service
    app: terrascan
  - port: 443
    targetPort: 443

For private repositories, the following private keys needs to be added as a kubernetes secret:

  • private key and ssh config as Secret
  • known_hostsas ConFigmap
kubectl create secret generic ssh-key-secret \
  --from-file=ssh-privatekey= < path to your private key > \
  --from-file=ssh-publickey=< path to your public key >
kubectl create secret generic terrascan-certs-secret \
  --from-file= < path to your .key file > \
  --from-file= < path to your .crt file >


kubectl create configmap ssh-known-hosts --from-file=< path to your known hosts file >
kubectl create configmap terrascan-config  --from-file=<path to your config.toml file >

ssh config secret

kubectl create secret generic ssh-config-secret \
  --from-file=< path to your ssh config file >
Example ssh config file
Host github.com
  HostName github.com
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_github

After making changes to the webhook deployment file, apply this yaml in your cluster.

You can also run terrascan admission controller server outside cluster, for more information and instructions on configuring terrascan as an admission controller webhook, see https://runterrascan.io/docs/integrations/k8s/.

Step 2: Create a Dockerfile

Create a Dockerfile for the container. This container will run the script that triggers the remote Terrascan API server. The template for the script is below, after the Dockerfile. Please fill the values in the template to match your environment.

# Dockerfile with a script to use terrascan's validating webhook
# configured in the kubernetes cluster, to scan a repo for violations
FROM alpine:3.12.0

#curl to send request to terrascan validating webhook
RUN apk add --no-cache curl

WORKDIR /home/terrascan

RUN mkdir bin

COPY scripts/argocd-terrascan-remote-scan.sh  bin/terrascan-remote-scan.sh

# create non root user
RUN addgroup --gid 101 terrascan && \
  adduser -S --uid 101 --ingroup terrascan terrascan && \
  chown -R terrascan:terrascan bin && \
  chmod u+x bin/terrascan-remote-scan.sh

USER 101

CMD ["sh"]
The terrascan-remote-scan script

set -o errexit


if [ -z ${SERVICE_NAME} ]; then
    echo "Service Name Not set"
    exit 6

if [ -z ${REMOTE_URL} ]; then
    echo "Remote URL Not set"
    exit 6


echo "Connecting to the service: ${SERVICE_NAME} to scan the remote url: ${REMOTE_URL} \
  with configurations { IAC type: ${IAC}, IAC version: ${IAC_VERSION},  remote type: ${REMOTE_TYPE} , cloud provider: ${CLOUD_PROVIDER}}"

RESPONSE=$(curl -s -w \\n%{http_code} --location -k  --request POST "$SCAN_URL" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{

echo "$RESPONSE"

HTTP_STATUS=$(printf '%s\n' "$RESPONSE" | tail -n1)

if [ "$HTTP_STATUS" -eq 403 ]; then
    exit 3
elif [ "$HTTP_STATUS" -eq 200 ]; then
    exit 0
    exit 1

Step 3: Configure PreSync hook to use container created in step 2

The following example hook yaml is mostly ready to be added to an existing kubernetes configuration.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
generateName: terrascan-hook-
  argocd.argoproj.io/hook: PreSync
ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 3600
        type: RuntimeDefault
    - name: terrascan-argocd
      image: <IMAGE FROM STEP TWO>
          cpu: "1"
          memory: "256Mi"
          cpu: "1"
          memory: "256Mi"
        - name: SERVICE_NAME
          value: <Name of service exposed for terrascan controller pod>
        - name: REMOTE_URL
        - name: IAC_TYPE
          value: <IAC TYPE YOU WANT SCAN> # If not provided default value is 'k8s'
        - name: IAC_VERSION
          value: <VERSION OF IAC TYPE SELECTED> # If not provided default value is 'v1'
        - name: CLOUD_PROVIDER
          value: <TYPE OF CLOUD PROVIDER> #If not provided default value is 'all'
        - name: REMOTE_TYPE
          value: <TYPE OF REMOTE> #If not provided default value is 'git'
      - sh
      - /home/terrascan/bin/terrascan-remote-scan.sh
          type: RuntimeDefault
        allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
        readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
        runAsNonRoot: true
        runAsUser: 101
          - cat
          - /home/terrascan/bin/terrascan-remote-scan.sh
        periodSeconds: 10
        initialDelaySeconds: 10
          - cat
          - /home/terrascan/bin/terrascan-remote-scan.sh
        periodSeconds: 10
        initialDelaySeconds: 10
    restartPolicy: Never
backoffLimit: 1

To allow users to check for violations in the web interface, configure the job to delete after the specified time, using the parameter ttlSecondsAfterFinished. In addition, violation can be reported as webhook notifications, as shown in Method 1.

After configuring the presynchook yaml file, add the file to the relevant repository folder to configure Argo CD.

Note: All the example yaml configuration files present in documentation are tested with k8s 1.19.7 version.

3.3 - Atlantis PR Automation

Atlantis is a pull request automation system designed to control Terraform execution from Github commits.

You can integrate Terrascan into an Atlantis setup using one of the two ways:

  • Method 1: Atlantis Workflow-based integration which sends scan requests to an independently running terraform server
  • Method 2: Custom Atlantis container image which has an integrated Terrascan

In either scenario, the configuration of Atlantis varies from installation to installation. For instructions to install, configure, and use Atlantis, see the Atlantis documentation.

Method 1: Workflow-based integration

In this method, you can modify or create a custom workflow for Atlantis so your repositories will be scanned by Terrascan as part of the pull request automation.


The following requirements must be met before starting the integration workflow:

  • The atlantis server must have TCP connectivity to where the terrascan server is running.
  • The curl command must be installed on the system so the terrascan-remote-scan.sh script can make the scan request. Atlantis’s docker image has curl preinstalled.

Integration steps for Workflow based integration

  • Modify Workflow
  • Configure the Script
  • Run Atlantis

Modify Workflow

  1. Modify your workflow to call terrascan-remote-scan.sh during the plan stage.
  2. See the ‘plan’ detailed below:
  • the first three run: terraform commands are the default for an atlantis workflow.

Note: The values for the variables $WORKSPACE and $PLANFILE referenced in the second and third run commands in the yaml below are automatically provided by atlantis

  • The fourth run terrascan-remote-scan.sh initiates the Terrascan scan request.

Note: By default, the terrascan-remote-scan.sh script can be found under the scripts directory in this project; copy this to a location where it can be executed by the Atlantis server. If the terrascan-remote-scan.sh script is not in the directory where the Atlantis server command is being run to, you will have to specify the path to the script in the fourth run command.

- id: /.*/
  workflow: terrascan

        - run: terraform init -input=false -no-color
        - run: terraform workspace select -no-color $WORKSPACE
        - run: terraform plan -input=false -refresh -no-color --out $PLANFILE
        - run: terrascan-remote-scan.sh

Script configuration

Modify the terrascan-remote-scan.sh script according your environment. The script is located here. Open the script with your any editor of your choice and review the following six settings which is found at the top of the file:


Descriptions of these settings are as follows:

  • TERRASCAN_SERVER is the hostname or IP address of the host running the terrascan server. This will be used by the script to submit the scan request.
  • TERRASCAN_PORT is the TCP port which Terrascan server is listening on. By default, this is 9010.
  • IGNORE_LOW_SERVERITY allows you to specify the scan response for low-severity findings in the code. During a scan if the terrascan-remote-scan.sh should fail a build if a low-severity finding is found. Some users will want to set this to true so they may ignore low-severity findings.
  • IAC, IAC_VERSION, and CLOUD_PROVIDER are terrascan options. Descriptions and valid values can be found by running terrascan scan -h.

Running atlantis

Run Atlantis with the terrascan-workflow.yaml as a server-side repo configuration. The command for this depends on how you choose to deploy Atlantis. If running the Atlantis binary directly, use the following command:

$ atlantis server \
--atlantis-url="$URL" \
--gh-user="$USERNAME" \
--gh-token="$TOKEN" \
--gh-webhook-secret="$SECRET" \
--repo-allowlist="$REPO_ALLOWLIST" \

Note: The variables in the example above must be configured separately using export or similar shell methods.

Important: Before the first pull request is processed, run Terrascan in server mode using the following command:

terrascan server

Automated scanning and results

When the systems are running, if Atlantis is initiated either via a pull request, or via a comment of atlantis plan, Terrascan will be also be invoked as part of the atlantis plan flow. Scan results are reported as part of the pull request as comments, this notifies the reviewers before approving a requests. If any issues are found the test will be marked as failed.

Method 2: Custom Atlantis Container

Terrascan offers a custom container built on top of the official Atlantis container image, which allows users to run IaC scans with Terrascan, in addition to the usual atlantis usage. There’s a built-in atlantis workflow configured inside the container which is ready to be used. The default workflow.yaml file used is the atlantis/workflow.yaml in the Terrascan repo. Alternatively, you can also override that default workflow using the --repo-config flag.

Steps to use the custom Atlantis container

In code repository, usage is exactly the same as atlantis, add a comment atlantis plan and atlantis plan to your Pull Requests to trigger the custom atlantis-terrascan workflow.

To use the default built-in container image:
docker pull tenable/terrascan_atlantis
To build your own container image:
docker build ./integrations/atlantis -t <image_name>

Run the container:

docker run \
--env-file=<.env-file> \
-p 4141:4141 \
-v <pwd>/config_data/:/etc/terrascan/ \
tenable/terrascan_atlantis server \
--gh-user="$USERNAME" --gh-token="$TOKEN" --gh-webhook-secret="$SECRET" \
--repo-allowlist="$REPO_ALLOWLIST" \
-c /etc/terrascan/config.toml

The syntax of the Atlantis server command here is same as in atlantis docs, except for an optional -c flag which can be used to specify the file path for the toml config to be used by Terrascan. Another way to provide the toml config filepath would be the TERRASCAN_CONFIG environment variable. You need to provide all the environment variables that terraform requires to operate with your respective cloud providers.

Note: As a good practice, Terrascan recommends use of a specific tag of the container image rather than the latest tag.

Running a scan

With everything configured, a local Terrascan scan will be triggered as part of the Atlantis plan workflow.

3.4 - GitHub and GitLab

Terrascan can be integrated into popular source code repositories

GitHub Action

The Terrascan GitHub Action can be used as part of GitHub workflows to scan your repository for IaC issues as part of code pushes or pull requests.

Image of Terrascan action

Using Terrascan’s SARIF output, the action can include issues found during the scan within GitHub’s code scanning results for the repository.

Image of code scanning results

Below is an example workflow configuration where the action is configured to scan a repository including Terraform v14+ HCL files for AWS resources and the SARIF output of the scan is uploaded to GitHub code scanning.

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: terrascan-action
    - name: Checkout repository
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Run Terrascan
      id: terrascan
      uses: tenable/terrascan-action@main
        iac_type: 'terraform'
        iac_version: 'v14'
        policy_type: 'aws'
        only_warn: true
        sarif_upload: true
    - name: Upload SARIF file
      uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v1
        sarif_file: terrascan.sarif

A detailed explanation of the action’s input variables is available in the terrascan-action repository.

GitLab CI

GitLab CI can use Docker images as part of a pipeline. We can take advantage of this functionality and use Terrascan’s docker image as part of your pipeline to scan infrastructure as code.

To do this you can update your .gitlab-ci.yml file to use the “accurics/terrascan:latest” image with the [“bin/sh”, “-c”] entrypoint. Terrascan can be found on “/go/bin” in the image and you can use any Terrascan command line options according to your needs. Here’s an example .gitlab-ci.yml file:

  - scan

    name: tenable/terrascan:latest
    entrypoint: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
  stage: scan
    - /go/bin/terrascan scan .

Argo CD Application PreSync Hooks

Terrascan can be configured as an Argo CD job during the application sync process using resource hooks. The PreSync resource hook is the best way to evaluate the kubernetes deployment configuration and report any violations.


Adding the Terrascan job consists of two steps:

  1. Creating a container which runs Terrascan
  2. Configuring a PreSync hook which uses that container

We’ll address the PreSync hook first.

Step 1: Configure PreSync resource hook

The following example hooks yaml is mostly ready to be added to an existing kubernetes configuration. Just make sure the secrets volume is relevant, specify your new Terrascan container image, and make sure the embedded script scans your repo and sends notifications to your Slack webhook endpoint.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  generateName: terrascan-hook-
    argocd.argoproj.io/hook: PreSync
  ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 3600
      - name: secret-volume
          secretName: ssh-key-secret
      - name: terrascan-argocd
        image: "<your container namespace>/<your container build from step #2 below>:<hash>"
        command: ["/bin/ash", "-c"]
        - >
          cp /etc/secret-volume/ssh-privatekey /home/terrascan/.ssh/id_rsa &&
          chmod 400 /home/terrascan/.ssh/id_rsa &&
          /go/bin/terrascan scan -r git -u <git URL to scan> -i k8s -t k8s | /home/terrascan/bin/notify_slack.sh webhook-tests argo-cd https://hooks.slack.com/services/TXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXX/0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
          - name: secret-volume
            readOnly: true
            mountPath: "/etc/secret-volume"
      restartPolicy: Never
  backoffLimit: 1

As shown, the PreSync requires access to the repository where IaC is stored, using the same branch (default) as the Argo CD application pipeline.

For non-public repositories, the private key needs to be added as a kubernetes secret.

  kubectl create secret generic ssh-key-secret \
    --from-file=ssh-privatekey=/path/to/.ssh/id_rsa \

Configuring the job to delete only after the specified time see ttlSecondsAfterFinished will allow users to check for violations in the User Interface, the alternative is through notifications.


Step 2: Create Terrascan container

The container which runs Terrascan can be built using the following files: known_hosts, notify_slack.sh, Dockerfile.


The known_hosts file ensures that the container will be able to clone your project’s git repository in order to scan it. Hashes for the most common public repository hosts are included here, and you may add hashes for any private hosts which you need to access in order to clone your project.

# known_hosts
github.com, ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAq2A7hRGmdnm9tUDbO9IDSwBK6TbQa+PXYPCPy6rbTrTtw7PHkccKrpp0yVhp5HdEIcKr6pLlVDBfOLX9QUsyCOV0wzfjIJNlGEYsdlLJizHhbn2mUjvSAHQqZETYP81eFzLQNnPHt4EVVUh7VfDESU84KezmD5QlWpXLmvU31/yMf+Se8xhHTvKSCZIFImWwoG6mbUoWf9nzpIoaSjB+weqqUUmpaaasXVal72J+UX2B+2RPW3RcT0eOzQgqlJL3RKrTJvdsjE3JEAvGq3lGHSZXy28G3skua2SmVi/w4yCE6gbODqnTWlg7+wC604ydGXA8VJiS5ap43JXiUFFAaQ==
bitbucket.org, ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAubiN81eDcafrgMeLzaFPsw2kNvEcqTKl/VqLat/MaB33pZy0y3rJZtnqwR2qOOvbwKZYKiEO1O6VqNEBxKvJJelCq0dTXWT5pbO2gDXC6h6QDXCaHo6pOHGPUy+YBaGQRGuSusMEASYiWunYN0vCAI8QaXnWMXNMdFP3jHAJH0eDsoiGnLPBlBp4TNm6rYI74nMzgz3B9IikW4WVK+dc8KZJZWYjAuORU3jc1c/NPskD2ASinf8v3xnfXeukU0sJ5N6m5E8VLjObPEO+mN2t/FZTMZLiFqPWc/ALSqnMnnhwrNi2rbfg/rd/IpL8Le3pSBne8+seeFVBoGqzHM9yXw==
gitlab.com, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBFSMqzJeV9rUzU4kWitGjeR4PWSa29SPqJ1fVkhtj3Hw9xjLVXVYrU9QlYWrOLXBpQ6KWjbjTDTdDkoohFzgbEY=


The notify_slack.sh script is used to send a Slack notification after the scan completes. This example expects the channel name, username, and webhook URL to be passed as command line arguments from the PreSync hook which invokes this container. You may modify this script if you wish to send notifications in a different way.

# notify_slack.sh

function send_slack_notificaton {

  curl -X POST --data-urlencode payload="{\"channel\": \"#${channel}\", \"username\": \"${username}\", \"text\": \" \`\`\` $(cat results.out) \`\`\` \", \"icon_emoji\": \":ghost:\"}" ${slack_hook}

if [ -p /dev/stdin ]; then
  echo "processing terrascan results"
  while IFS= read line; do
          echo "${line}" | tr '\\"' ' ' >> results.out

  cat results.out

  send_slack_notificaton $1 $2 $3

  echo "notification exit code: $?"
  echo "no response skipping"


The Dockerfile is, of course, used to build the container. In this case, we start with the official Terrascan image and we add in the above files to ensure we can access the repository and send notifications.

# Dockerfile
  FROM tenable/terrascan:929e377


  USER root

  RUN apk add --no-cache openssh curl

  WORKDIR /home/terrascan

  RUN mkdir -p .ssh && mkdir -p bin

  COPY known_hosts .ssh

  COPY notify_slack.sh bin/

  RUN chown -R terrascan:terrascan .ssh && \
      chown -R terrascan:terrascan bin && \
      chmod 400 .ssh/known_hosts && \
      chmod u+x bin/notify_slack.sh

  USER terrascan

  CMD ["ash"]

Once you’ve built the image and pushed to your container registry, you can add the PreSync hook which will automatically run Terrascan during the application sync process.

3.5 - Pre-commit hook

Integrating Terrascan with Pre-commit to detect vulnerabilities in your IaC before you commit them.

Integrating Terrascan with Pre-commit


Terrascan scan can be used as a pre-commit hook in order to automatically scan your IaC before every commit. For more information about pre-commit hooks see https://pre-commit.com/#intro


Integration Method

Add config file

  1. Add file called .pre-commit-config.yaml to root of repo you wish to scan with pre-commit. It should look like this:
    - repo: https://github.com/tenable/terrascan
        rev: <COMMIT/VERSION>
        - id: terraform-pre-commit
            args: [ '-i <IAC PROVIDER>'] #optional

Note: The optional args line allows you to specify the IaC provider. For example,

    - repo: https://github.com/tenable/terrascan
        rev: <COMMIT/VERSION>
        - id: terraform-pre-commit
            args: [ '-i k8s']

will cause

'terrascan scan -i k8s'

to run and thus scan kubernetes yaml files. You may exclude the args like so:

    - repo: https://github.com/tenable/terrascan
        rev: <COMMIT/VERSION>
        - id: terraform-pre-commit

which causes the default

'terrascan scan'

to be run, scanning all IaC provider types.

Once you have everything installed, and add the appropriate config file to your repo,

'terrascan scan -i <IAC PROVIDER>'

everytime you attempt to commit your staged changes. You can also call the hook directly on all files using pre-commit run –all-files

4 - Architecture

Understand the pluggable architecture powering Terrascan

Terrascan’s architecture is built to be modular to facilitate adding IaC languages and policies. At a high level Terrascan is composed of the following architectural components: a command line interface, API server, runtime, pluggable IaC providers, pluggable policy engine, notifier, and writer.

  • Command Line Interface = Provides CLI input to Terrascan.
  • API Server = Provides input to Terrascan through an API.
  • Runtime = Performs input validation and process inputs
  • IaC Providers = Converts IaC language into normalized JSON
  • Policy Engine = Applies policies against normalized JSON
  • Notifier = Provides webhooks for results of Terrascan scans.
  • Writer = Writes results into various formats like JSON, YAML, or XML.

Terrascan architecture

5 - Policies

Read more about how to write custom policies, and review parts of the policy pack included in Terrascan by default

5.1 - Policy Overview

Configuring policies, and writing custom ones.

Terrascan policies are written using the Rego policy language. With each rego policy, a JSON “rule” file is included which defines metadata for the policy. Policies included within Terrascan are stored in the pkg/policies/opa/rego directory.

Updating Terrascan with the latest policies

The first time using Terrascan, if the -p flag is not specified, Terrascan will download the latest policies from the Terrascan repository. You can update your local environment to the latest policies published in the repository by running terrascan init.

Ignoring Policies on a scan

Terrascan keeps a copy of policies on your local filesystem on the ~/.terrascan/pkg/policies/opa/rego directory. You can also specify a particular directory with rego policies to scan by using the -p flag. Terrascan allows you to ignore policies from scans by using the –skip-rules flag or using in-file instrumentation to skip policies on a particular resource.

Adding policies

For each policy, there are 2 files required by Terrascan, a rule .json file with metadata for the policy and a .rego rego file for the policy itself.

Writing an OPA rego policy file

The input for the rego policies is the normalized input from the IaC provider. When writing policies you can obtain this as a normalized .json by using the --config-only flag of the scan command in combination with -o json. Let’s use this Terraform HCL file for example:

resource "github_repository" "example" {
  name        = "example"
  description = "My awesome codebase"

  private = false

  template {
    owner = "github"
    repository = "terraform-module-template"

Here’s the output of the --config-only flag.

$ terrascan scan -i terraform --config-only -o json
  "github_repository": [
      "id": "github_repository.example",
      "name": "example",
      "source": "main.tf",
      "line": 1,
      "type": "github_repository",
      "config": {
        "description": "My awesome codebase",
        "name": "example",
        "private": false,
        "template": [
            "owner": "github",
            "repository": "terraform-module-template"

You can use this .json output as the input in the rego playgound. The following policy can be used on the above Terraform to flag if the GitHub repository has been created with private = false.

package accurics

privateRepoEnabled[api.id] {
    api := input.github_repository[_]
    not api.config.private == true
    not api.config.visibility == "private"

A successful policy will trigger the following output:

    "privateRepoEnabled": [

The Rule JSON file

The rule files follow this naming convention: AC_<policy_type>_<next_available_rule_number>.json where <policy_type> is the upper case of any supported policy types by terrascan. The supported policy types can be fetched from Terrascan’s help menu: terrascan scan -h | grep "policy-type".

Note: The previous naming convention was: <cloud-provider>.<resource-type>.<rule-category>.<severity>.<next-available-rule-number>.json. This has been deprecated.

Here’s an example of the contents of a rule file:

	"name": "unrestrictedIngressAccess",
	"file": "unrestrictedIngressAccess.rego",
	"policy_type": "aws",
	"resource_type": "aws_db_security_group",
	"template_args": {
		"name": "unrestrictedIngressAccess",
		"prefix": "",
		"suffix": ""
	"severity": "HIGH",
	"description": "It is recommended that no security group allows unrestricted ingress access",
	"category": "NETWORK_SECURITY",
	"version": 1,
	"id": "AC_AWS_0001"
Key Value
name Short name for the rule
file Filename of the Rego policy
policy_type Type of cloud provider used by this rule (e.g. aws, azure, docker, gcp, github, k8s, etc.)
resource_type IaC resource applicable to the policy
template_args Used for making rego policies unique
severity Likelihood * impact of issue
description Description of the issue found with this rule
ruleReferenceId (deprecated) This field was used in previous versions of Terrascan, but has been replaced by id.
category Descriptive category for this rule
version Version number for the rule/rego

5.2 - AWS Policies


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management json HIGH It is recommended and considered a standard security advice to grant least privileges that is, granting only the permissions required to perform a task. IAM policies are the means by which privileges are granted to users, groups, or roles. Determine what users need to do and then craft policies for them that let the users perform only those tasks, instead of granting full administrative privileges. AC-AW-IA-H-1189
Identity and Access Management AIRP HIGH Ensure IAM roles do not have any policies attached that may cause privilege escalation. AWS.AIRP.IAM.HIGH.0051


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring Route53HostedZone HIGH Route53HostedZone should have recordSets. AWS.Route53HostedZone.DNSManagement.High.0422


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management AEDP HIGH Ensure Elasticsearch domains do not have wildcard policies. AWS.AEDP.IAM.HIGH.0060


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security ALTG MEDIUM Ensure Target Group use HTTPs to ensure end to end encryption AWS.ALTG.IS.MEDIUM.0042


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring API Gateway MEDIUM Enable Detailed CloudWatch Metrics for APIs AWS.APIGateway.Logging.Medium.0569


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection AWW MEDIUM Ensure user volume for Workspaces is Encrypted AWS.AWW.DP.MEDIUM.041
Data Protection AWW MEDIUM Ensure root volume for Workspaces is Encrypted AWS.AWW.DP.MEDIUM.040


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Security Best Practices VPC MEDIUM Avoid creating resources in default VPC AWS.VPC.Logging.Medium.0471
Logging and Monitoring VPC LOW Ensure VPC flow logging is enabled in all VPCs AWS.VPC.Logging.Medium.0470


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Compliance Validation Iam LOW Lower case alphabet not present in the Password, Password Complexity is not high. Increased Password complexity increases resiliency against brute force attack AWS.Iam.IAM.Medium.0454
Compliance Validation Iam MEDIUM Setting a lengthy password increases account resiliency against brute force login attempts AWS.Iam.IAM.Medium.0458
Compliance Validation Iam LOW It is recommended that the password policy prevent the reuse of passwords.Preventing password reuse increases account resiliency against brute force login attempts AWS.Iam.IAM.Low.0539
Compliance Validation Iam MEDIUM Number not present in the Password, Password Complexity is not high. Increased Password complexity increases resiliency against brute force attack AWS.Iam.IAM.Medium.0455
Compliance Validation Iam MEDIUM Setting a lengthy password increases account resiliency against brute force login attempts AWS.Iam.IAM.Medium.0495
Compliance Validation Iam MEDIUM Special symbols not present in the Password, Password Complexity is not high. Increased Password complexity increases resiliency against brute force attack AWS.Iam.IAM.Medium.0456
Compliance Validation Iam MEDIUM Upper case alphabet not present in the Password, Password Complexity is not high. Increased Password complexity increases resiliency against brute force attack AWS.Iam.IAM.Medium.0457
Compliance Validation Iam LOW Reducing the password lifetime increases account resiliency against brute force login attempts AWS.Iam.IAM.Low.0540


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Security Best Practices ElasticSearch MEDIUM Publicly Accessible MQ Brokers AWS.ElasticSearch.NetworkSecurity.Medium.0887
Logging and Monitoring ElasticSearch LOW Enable AWS MQ Log Exports AWS.ElasticSearch.Logging.Medium.0885


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection RDS HIGH Ensure Certificate used in RDS instance is updated AWS.RDS.DS.High.1042
Logging and Monitoring ADI MEDIUM Ensure AWS RDS instances have logging enabled. AWS.ADI.LM.MEDIUM.0076
Data Protection RDS MEDIUM Ensure that your RDS database has IAM Authentication enabled. AWS.RDS.DataSecurity.High.0577
Infrastructure Security RDS HIGH RDS Instance publicly_accessible flag is true AWS.RDS.NS.High.0101
Data Protection RDS HIGH RDS Instance Auto Minor Version Upgrade flag disabled AWS.RDS.DS.High.1041
Data Protection RDS HIGH Ensure that your RDS database instances encrypt the underlying storage. Encrypted RDS instances use the industry standard AES-256 encryption algorithm to encrypt data on the server that hosts RDS DB instances. After data is encrypted, RDS handles authentication of access and descryption of data transparently with minimal impact on performance. AWS.RDS.DataSecurity.High.0414


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management ASSP HIGH Ensure secrets manager do not wildcard policies attached AWS.ASSP.IAM.HIGH.0066


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection EcsCluster HIGH Ensure that AWS EBS clusters are encrypted. Data encryption at rest, prevents unauthorized users from accessing sensitive data on your AWS EBS clusters and associated cache storage systems. AWS.EcsCluster.EncryptionandKeyManagement.High.0413
Data Protection EBS HIGH Enable AWS EBS Snapshot Encryption AWS.EBS.EKM.Medium.0682


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security APIGateway MEDIUM Enable Content Encoding AWS.APIGateway.Medium.0568
Infrastructure Security APIGateway MEDIUM API Gateway Private Endpoints AWS.APIGateway.NetworkSecurity.Medium.0570


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management json HIGH It is recommended and considered a standard security advice to grant least privileges that is, granting only the permissions required to perform a task. IAM policies are the means by which privileges are granted to users, groups, or roles. Determine what users need to do and then craft policies for them that let the users perform only those tasks, instead of granting full administrative privileges. AC-AW-IA-H-1188


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management AIUPA MEDIUM Ensure IAM permissions are not given directly to users AWS.AIUPA.IAM.MEDIUM.0050


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection EBS HIGH Ensure that the AWS EBS that hold sensitive and critical data is encrypted by default to fulfill compliance requirements for data-at-rest encryption. AWS.EBS.DataSecurity.High.0580


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Compliance Validation SNS HIGH Ensure SNS Topic is Publicly Accessible For Subscription AWS.SNS.NS.Medium.1044
Data Protection AST MEDIUM Ensure SNS topic is Encrypted using KMS master key AWS.AST.DP.MEDIUM.0037


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Security Best Practices ApiGatewayV2Api Medium Insecure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Configuration allowing all domains AWS.ApiGatewayV2Api.AccessControl.0630


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection EFS HIGH Enable encryption of your EFS file systems in order to protect your data and metadata from breaches or unauthorized access and fulfill compliance requirements for data-at-rest encryption within your organization. AWS.EFS.EncryptionandKeyManagement.High.0409
Data Protection EFS HIGH Enable encryption of your EFS file systems in order to protect your data and metadata from breaches or unauthorized access and fulfill compliance requirements for data-at-rest encryption within your organization. AWS.EFS.EncryptionandKeyManagement.High.0410


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security ALL MEDIUM Ensure there is a listener configured on HTTPs or with a port 443 AWS.ALL.IS.MEDIUM.0046


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Security Best Practices SQS HIGH Identify any publicly accessible SQS queues available in your AWS account and update their permissions in order to protect against unauthorized users. AWS.SQS.NetworkSecurity.High.0569
Security Best Practices SQS HIGH Ensure that your Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queues are protecting the contents of their messages using Server-Side Encryption (SSE). The SQS service uses an AWS KMS Customer Master Key (CMK) to generate data keys required for the encryption/decryption process of SQS messages. There is no additional charge for using SQS Server-Side Encryption, however, there is a charge for using AWS KMS AWS.SQS.NetworkSecurity.High.0570


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection ADC MEDIUM Ensure DocDb is encrypted at rest AWS.ADC.DP.MEDIUM.0022
Logging and Monitoring ADC MEDIUM Ensure DocDb clusters have log exports enabled. AWS.ADC.LM.MEDIUM.0069


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring ACLG MEDIUM Ensure AWS Cloudwatch log group has retention policy set. AWS.ACLG.LM.MEDIUM.0068


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM EC2 instances should disable IMDS or require IMDSv2 as this can be related to the weaponization phase of kill chain AC-AWS-NS-IN-M-1172
Identity and Access Management json HIGH Ensure that instance launched follows the least privilege principle as this can be related to delivery-exploitation-Installation phases of kill chain AC-AW-IA-LC-H-0442
Logging and Monitoring AI HIGH Ensure that detailed monitoring is enabled for EC2 instances. AWS.AI.LM.HIGH.0070
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security group attached to launch configuration is wide open to internet and this can be related to reconnaissance phase AC-AW-IS-LC-H-0443
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure that your AWS application is not deployed within the default Virtual Private Cloud in order to follow security best practices AC-AW-IS-IN-M-0144


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection Config MEDIUM Ensure AWS Config Rule is enabled for Encrypted Volumes AWS.Config.EncryptionandKeyManagement.Medium.0660


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Security Best Practices CloudFormation MEDIUM AWS CloudFormation Not In Use AWS.CloudFormation.Medium.0599
Security Best Practices CloudFormation MEDIUM AWS CloudFormation Stack Policy AWS.CloudFormation.Medium.0604
Security Best Practices CloudFormation MEDIUM Enable AWS CloudFormation Stack Termination Protection AWS.CloudFormation.Medium.0605
Security Best Practices CloudFormation MEDIUM Enable AWS CloudFormation Stack Notifications AWS.CloudFormation.Medium.0603


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Compliance Validation IamUser HIGH Ensure Hardware MFA device is enabled for the “root” account AWS.IamUser.IAM.High.0387
Identity and Access Management json HIGH It is recommended and considered a standard security advice to grant least privileges that is, granting only the permissions required to perform a task. IAM policies are the means by which privileges are granted to users, groups, or roles. Determine what users need to do and then craft policies for them that let the users perform only those tasks, instead of granting full administrative privileges. AC-AW-IA-H-1190
Identity and Access Management AIUP MEDIUM Ensure IAM policies are attached only to groups or roles AWS.AIUP.IAM.MEDIUM.0049
Compliance Validation IamUser HIGH Ensure Virtual MFA device is enabled for the “root” account AWS.IamUser.IAM.High.0388
Compliance Validation IamUser HIGH It is recommended that MFA be enabled for all accounts that have a console password. Enabling MFA provides increased security for console access as it requires the authenticating principal to possess a device that emits a time-sensitive key and have knowledge of a credential AWS.IamUser.IAM.High.0389


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security EcsCluster HIGH Like any other EC2 instance it is recommended to place ECS instance within a VPC. AWS VPCs provides the controls to facilitate a formal process for approving and testing all network connections and changes to the firewall and router configurations AWS.EcsCluster.NetworkSecurity.High.0104
Infrastructure Security AETD MEDIUM Ensure EFS volume used for ECS task defination has in transit encryption enabled AWS.AETD.IS.MEDIUM.0043
Data Protection LaunchConfiguration HIGH Sensitive Information Disclosure AWS.LaunchConfiguration.DataSecurity.High.0101


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management ECR HIGH Identify any exposed Amazon ECR image repositories available within your AWS account and update their permissions in order to protect against unauthorized access. Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is a managed Docker registry service that makes it easy for DevOps teams to store, manage and deploy Docker container images. An ECR repository is a collection of Docker images available on AWS cloud. AWS.ECR.DataSecurity.High.0579


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management json HIGH It is recommended and considered a standard security advice to grant least privileges that is, granting only the permissions required to perform a task. IAM policies are the means by which privileges are granted to users, groups, or roles. Determine what users need to do and then craft policies for them that let the users perform only those tasks, instead of granting full administrative privileges. AC-AW-IA-H-1187


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Resilience DynamoDb MEDIUM Ensure Point In Time Recovery is enabled for DynamoDB Tables AWS.DynamoDb.Logging.Medium.007
Data Protection ADT MEDIUM Ensure DynamoDb is encrypted at rest AWS.ADT.DP.MEDIUM.0025


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring ApiGatewayV2Stage Low AWS API Gateway V2 Stage is missing access logs AWS.ApiGatewayV2Stage.Logging.0630


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection AER MEDIUM Ensure ECR repository is encrypted at rest AWS.AER.DP.MEDIUM.0026
Configuration and Vulnerability Analysis ECR MEDIUM Unscanned images may contain vulnerabilities AWS.ECR.DataSecurity.High.0578
Identity and Access Management AER MEDIUM Ensure ECR repository has policy attached. AWS.AER.DP.MEDIUM.0058


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection CloudFront HIGH Secure ciphers are not used in CloudFront distribution AWS.CloudFront.EncryptionandKeyManagement.High.0408
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure that geo restriction is enabled for your Amazon CloudFront CDN distribution to whitelist or blacklist a country in order to allow or restrict users in specific locations from accessing web application content. AC-AW-IS-CD-M-0026
Infrastructure Security json Medium Ensure that cloud-front has web application firewall enabled AC-AW-IS-CD-M-1186
Data Protection CloudFront HIGH Use encrypted connection between CloudFront and origin server AWS.CloudFront.EncryptionandKeyManagement.High.0407
Logging and Monitoring CloudFront MEDIUM Ensure that your AWS Cloudfront distributions have the Logging feature enabled in order to track all viewer requests for the content delivered through the Content Delivery Network (CDN). AWS.CloudFront.Logging.Medium.0567


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring CloudWatch MEDIUM App-Tier CloudWatch Log Group Retention Period AWS.CloudWatch.Logging.Medium.0631
Data Protection CloudWatch HIGH AWS CloudWatch log group is not encrypted with a KMS CMK AWS.CloudWatch.EncryptionandKeyManagement.High.0632


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security AMI MEDIUM Limit access to AWS AMIs AWS.AMI.NS.Medium.1040


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection EcsCluster HIGH Ensure that AWS ECS clusters are encrypted. Data encryption at rest, prevents unauthorized users from accessing sensitive data on your AWS ECS clusters and associated cache storage systems. AWS.EcsCluster.EncryptionandKeyManagement.High.0413
Identity and Access Management json HIGH Ensure that launch configuration launched follows the least privilege principle AC-AW-IA-LC-H-0441
Data Protection LaunchConfiguration HIGH Avoid using base64 encoded private keys as part of config AWS.LaunchConfiguration.DataSecurity.High.0102
Data Protection LaunchConfiguration HIGH Avoid using base64 encoded shell script as part of config AWS.LaunchConfiguration.DataSecurity.High.0101
Logging and Monitoring json Medium It is important to enable cloudWatch monitoring incase monitoring the activity AC-AW-LM-LC-M-0440
Configuration and Vulnerability Analysis json HIGH Launch configuration uses IMDSv1 which vulnerable to SSRF AC-AW-CA-LC-H-0439
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security group attached to launch configuration is wide open to internet AC-AW-IS-LC-H-0438


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection ADB MEDIUM Ensure Athena Database is encrypted at rest AWS.ADB.DP.MEDIUM.016


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security API Gateway MEDIUM Enable SSL Client Certificate AWS.APIGateway.NetworkSecurity.Medium.0565
Logging and Monitoring API Gateway MEDIUM Ensure that AWS CloudWatch logs are enabled for all your APIs created with Amazon API Gateway service in order to track and analyze execution behavior at the API stage level. AWS.APIGateway.Logging.Medium.0572
Logging and Monitoring API Gateway LOW Ensure AWS API Gateway has active xray tracing enabled AWS.APIGateway.Logging.Medium.0571
Logging and Monitoring API Gateway MEDIUM Enable AWS CloudWatch Logs for APIs AWS.APIGateway.Logging.Medium.0567


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection ElasticSearch HIGH Enable AWS ElasticSearch Encryption At Rest AWS.ElasticSearch.EKM.Medium.0778
Infrastructure Security ElasticSearch MEDIUM Ensure Elasticsearch domains being created are set to be encrypted node-to-node AWS.ElasticSearch.IS.MEDIUM.0045
Data Protection ElasticSearch MEDIUM ElasticSearch Domain Encrypted with KMS CMKs AWS.ElasticSearch.EKM.Medium.0768
Compliance Validation Elasticsearch MEDIUM Ensure that your AWS Elasticsearch clusters have enabled the support for publishing slow logs to AWS CloudWatch Logs. This feature enables you to publish slow logs from the indexing and search operations performed on your ES clusters and gain full insight into the performance of these operations. AWS.Elasticsearch.Logging.Medium.0573


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Compliance Validation Iam HIGH Password policies are, in part, used to enforce password complexity requirements. IAM password policies can be used to ensure password are comprised of different character sets, have minimal length, rotation and history restrictions AWS.Iam.IAM.High.0391


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management json HIGH It is recommended and considered a standard security advice to grant least privileges that is, granting only the permissions required to perform a task. IAM policies are the means by which privileges are granted to users, groups, or roles. Determine what users need to do and then craft policies for them that let the users perform only those tasks, instead of granting full administrative privileges. AC-AW-IA-H-0392


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security ELB HIGH Using insecure ciphers for your ELB Predefined or Custom Security Policy, could make the SSL connection between the client and the load balancer vulnerable to exploits. TLS 1.0 was recommended to be disabled by PCI Council after June 30, 2016 AWS.ELB.EncryptionandKeyManagement.High.0401
Infrastructure Security ELB HIGH Remove insecure ciphers for your ELB Predefined or Custom Security Policy, to reduce the risk of the SSL connection between the client and the load balancer being exploited. AWS.ELB.EncryptionandKeyManagement.High.0403


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management S3Bucket HIGH Misconfigured S3 buckets can leak private information to the entire internet or allow unauthorized data tampering / deletion AWS.S3Bucket.IAM.High.0377
Identity and Access Management S3Bucket HIGH Ensure S3 buckets do not have, a both public ACL on the bucket and a public access block. AWS.S3Bucket.IAM.HIGH.0065
Logging and Monitoring S3Bucket MEDIUM Ensure S3 buckets have access logging enabled. AWS.S3Bucket.LM.MEDIUM.0078
Infrastructure Security S3Bucket LOW Ensure that there are not any static websites being hosted on buckets you aren’t aware of AWS.S3Bucket.NetworkSecurity.High.0417
Resilience S3Bucket HIGH Enabling S3 versioning will enable easy recovery from both unintended user actions, like deletes and overwrites AWS.S3Bucket.IAM.High.0370
Identity and Access Management S3Bucket HIGH S3 bucket Access is allowed to all AWS Account Users. AWS.S3Bucket.DS.High.1043
Identity and Access Management S3Bucket HIGH Misconfigured S3 buckets can leak private information to the entire internet or allow unauthorized data tampering / deletion AWS.S3Bucket.IAM.High.0379
Data Protection S3Bucket HIGH Ensure that S3 Buckets have server side encryption at rest enabled with KMS key to protect sensitive data. AWS.S3Bucket.EncryptionandKeyManagement.High.0405
Identity and Access Management S3Bucket HIGH Misconfigured S3 buckets can leak private information to the entire internet or allow unauthorized data tampering / deletion AWS.S3Bucket.IAM.High.0378
Identity and Access Management S3Bucket HIGH Misconfigured S3 buckets can leak private information to the entire internet or allow unauthorized data tampering / deletion AWS.S3Bucket.IAM.High.0381


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring AEC MEDIUM Ensure EKS clusters have control plane logging enabled. AWS.AEC.LM.MEDIUM.0071


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring ELB MEDIUM Ensure AWS ELB has access logging enabled. AWS.ELB.LM.MEDIUM.0072
Infrastructure Security ELB LOW AWS ELB incoming traffic not encrypted AWS.ELB.NetworkPortsSecurity.Low.0563


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security Redshift HIGH Ensure Redshift clusters are not publicly accessible to minimize security risks. AWS.Redshift.NetworkSecurity.HIGH.0564
Logging and Monitoring Redshift LOW Ensure AWS Redshift cluster instances have logging enabled. AWS.Redshift.Logging.Medium.0565
Data Protection Redshift MEDIUM Use customer-managed KMS keys instead of AWS-managed keys, to have granular control over encrypting and encrypting data. Encrypt Redshift clusters with a Customer-managed KMS key. This is a recommended best practice. AWS.Redshift.EncryptionandKeyManagement.High.0415


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection AERG MEDIUM Ensure Elastic Cache Replication Group is encrypted at rest AWS.AERG.DP.MEDIUM.0027
Data Protection AERG MEDIUM Ensure Elastic Cache Replication Group is encrypted in transit AWS.AERG.DP.MEDIUM.0044


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection Kinesis HIGH Ensure Kinesis Stream is encrypted AWS.Kinesis.EncryptionandKeyManagement.High.0412


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring Config HIGH Ensure AWS Config is enabled in all regions AWS.Config.Logging.HIGH.0590


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection ASBO MEDIUM Ensure S3 object is Encrypted AWS.ASBO.DP.MEDIUM.0034


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring Route53 query logs MEDIUM Ensure CloudWatch logging is enabled for Route53 hosted zones. AWS.Route53querylogs.Logging.Medium.0574


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection SecretsManagerSecret MEDIUM Ensure SecretsManager Secrets are Encrypted using KMS key AWS.SecretsManagerSecret.DP.MEDIUM.0036


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management IamUser HIGH The root account is the most privileged user in an AWS account. AWS Access Keys provide programmatic access to a given AWS account. It is recommended that all access keys associated with the root account be removed. Removing access keys associated with the root account limits vectors by which the account can be compromised. Additionally, removing the root access keys encourages the creation and use of role based accounts that are least privileged. AWS.IamUser.IAM.High.0390
Identity and Access Management IamUser MEDIUM Ensure that there are no exposed Amazon IAM access keys in order to protect your AWS resources against unapproved access AWS.IamUser.IAM.High.0391


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection ANC MEDIUM Ensure Neptune Cluster is Encrypted AWS.ANC.DP.MEDIUM.0030
Logging and Monitoring ANC MEDIUM Ensure AWS Neptune clusters have logging enabled. AWS.ANC.LM.MEDIUM.0075


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection ADC MEDIUM Ensure server-side encryption is enabled for AWS DAX Cluster AWS.ADC.DP.MEDIUM.0021


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring GuardDuty Enabled MEDIUM Ensure that Amazon GuardDuty service is currently enabled in all regions in order to protect your AWS environment and infrastructure (AWS accounts and resources, IAM credentials, guest operating systems, applications, etc) against security threats. AWS GuardDuty is a managed threat detection service that continuously monitors your VPC flow logs, AWS CloudTrail event logs and DNS logs for malicious or unauthorized behavior. The service monitors for activity such as unusual API calls, potentially compromised EC2 instances or potentially unauthorized deployments that indicate a possible AWS account compromise. AWS GuardDuty operates entirely on Amazon Web Services infrastructure and does not affect the performance or reliability of your applications. The service does not require any software agents, sensors or network appliances. AWS.GuardDutyEnabled.Security.Medium.0575


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security RDS HIGH RDS should not be defined with public interface. Firewall and router configurations should be used to restrict connections between untrusted networks and any system components in the cloud environment. AWS.RDS.NetworkSecurity.High.0101
Infrastructure Security RDS HIGH RDS should not be open to a large scope. Firewall and router configurations should be used to restrict connections between untrusted networks and any system components in the cloud environment. AWS.RDS.NetworkSecurity.High.0103
Infrastructure Security RDS HIGH RDS should not be open to a public scope. Firewall and router configurations should be used to restrict connections between untrusted networks and any system components in the cloud environment. AWS.RDS.NetworkSecurity.High.0102


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management S3Bucket HIGH Misconfigured S3 buckets can leak private information to the entire internet or allow unauthorized data tampering / deletion AWS.S3Bucket.IAM.High.0371
Identity and Access Management IamPolicy HIGH Misconfigured S3 buckets can leak private information to the entire internet or allow unauthorized data tampering / deletion AWS.IamPolicy.IAM.High.0376
Identity and Access Management IamPolicy HIGH Misconfigured S3 buckets can leak private information to the entire internet or allow unauthorized data tampering / deletion AWS.IamPolicy.IAM.High.0375
Identity and Access Management IamPolicy HIGH Misconfigured S3 buckets can leak private information to the entire internet or allow unauthorized data tampering / deletion AWS.IamPolicy.IAM.High.0374
Identity and Access Management S3Bucket HIGH Misconfigured S3 buckets can leak private information to the entire internet or allow unauthorized data tampering / deletion AWS.S3Bucket.IAM.High.0372
Identity and Access Management IamPolicy HIGH Misconfigured S3 buckets can leak private information to the entire internet or allow unauthorized data tampering / deletion AWS.IamPolicy.IAM.High.0373


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security EC2 MEDIUM Enable AWS AMI Encryption AWS.EC2.EncryptionandKeyManagement.Medium.0688


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Compliance Validation ElastiCache HIGH ElastiCache for Redis version is not compliant with AWS PCI DSS requirements AWS.ElastiCache.DataSecurity.High.0425
Compliance Validation ElastiCache HIGH ElastiCache for Memcached is not in use in AWS PCI DSS environments AWS.ElastiCache.DataSecurity.High.0424
Resilience ElastiCache MEDIUM AWS ElastiCache Multi-AZ AWS.ElastiCache.HighAvailability.Medium.0757


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection Kinesis HIGH AWS Kinesis Server data at rest has server side encryption (SSE) AWS.Kinesis.EncryptionandKeyManagement.High.0411


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Resilience RDS MEDIUM Ensure backup retention period is set for rds cluster AWS.RDS.RE.MEDIUM.0013
Data Protection RDS HIGH Encrypt Amazon RDS instances and snapshots at rest, by enabling the encryption option for your Amazon RDS DB instance AWS.RDS.EncryptionandKeyManagement.High.0414


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring CloudTrail HIGH Ensure CloudTrail logs are encrypted using KMS AWS.CloudTrail.Logging.High.0399
Logging and Monitoring CloudTrail MEDIUM Cloud Trail Multi Region not enabled AWS.CloudTrail.Logging.Medium.004
Security Best Practices CloudTrail MEDIUM Ensure that EC2 is EBS optimized AWS.CloudTrail.Logging.Medium.008
Security Best Practices CloudTrail LOW ECR should have an image tag be immutable AWS.CloudTrail.Logging.Low.009
Logging and Monitoring CloudTrail MEDIUM Cloud Trail Multi Region not enabled AWS.CloudTrail.Logging.Medium.0460
Logging and Monitoring CloudTrail MEDIUM Ensure CloudTrail has log file validation enabled. AWS.CloudTrail.LM.MEDIUM.0087
Logging and Monitoring CloudTrail MEDIUM Ensure appropriate subscribers to each SNS topic AWS.CloudTrail.Logging.Low.0559
Logging and Monitoring Config Medium Ensure AWS Config is enabled in all regions AWS.Config.Logging.Medium.0590


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection ASNI MEDIUM Ensure SageMaker Instance is Encrypted AWS.ASNI.DP.MEDIUM.0035


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring LambdaFunction MEDIUM Ensure AWS Lambda function has policy attached. AWS.LambdaFunction.LM.MEIDUM.0063
Infrastructure Security LambdaFunction Low Lambda function doesn’t not include a VPC configuration. AWS.LambdaFunction.Logging.0472
Logging and Monitoring LambdaFunction LOW Lambda tracing is not enabled. AWS.LambdaFunction.Logging.0470
Data Protection LambdaFunction High Lambda does not use KMS CMK key to protect environment variables. AWS.LambdaFunction.EncryptionandKeyManagement.0471
Logging and Monitoring LambdaFunction LOW Lambda tracing is not enabled. AWS.LambdaFunction.Logging.0470


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management AKK HIGH Ensure IAM policies do not have ‘Principal’ element missing from the policy statement. AWS.AKK.IAM.HIGH.0012
Identity and Access Management KMS HIGH Identify any publicly accessible AWS Key Management Service master keys and update their access policy in order to stop any unsigned requests made to these resources. AWS.KMS.NetworkSecurity.High.0566
Data Protection AKK HIGH Ensure rotation for customer created CMKs is enabled AWS.AKK.DP.HIGH.0012
Identity and Access Management AKK HIGH Ensure KMS key policy does not have wildcard policies attached. AWS.AKK.IAM.HIGH.0082


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Memcached SSL (UDP,11214) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0292
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Cassandra' (TCP,7001) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0338
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Known internal web port (TCP,8080) is not accessible by a CIDR block range AC_AWS_0284
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Oracle DB SSL (TCP,2484) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0302
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - MSSQL Server (TCP,1433) AC_AWS_0247
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SNMP' (UDP,161) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0355
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBIOSNameService' (TCP,137) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0343
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure SMTP (TCP,25) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0314
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Memcached SSL (UDP,11215) AC_AWS_0251
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Elasticsearch' (TCP,9300) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0363
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Telnet (TCP,23) AC_AWS_0271
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Security Groups Unrestricted Specific Ports MemcachedSSL (UDP,11214) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0334
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - SQL Server Analysis Service browser (TCP,2382) AC_AWS_0267
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure MSSQL Debugger (TCP,135) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0288
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Security Groups Unrestricted Specific Ports https (TCP,443) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0322
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - remote desktop port (TCP,3389) AC_AWS_0230
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Telnet' (TCP,23) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0359
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Elasticsearch (TCP,9300) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0318
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SSH (TCP,22) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0319
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure OracleDatabaseServer' (TCP,521) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0358
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure no security groups allow ingress from to ALL ports and protocols AC_AWS_0231
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - SNMP (UDP,161) AC_AWS_0266
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure MSSQL Server (TCP,1433) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0289
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Security Groups Unrestricted Specific Ports remote desktop port (TCP,3389) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0323
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Oracle Database Server (TCP,1521) AC_AWS_0270
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Security Groups Unrestricted Specific Ports MemcachedSSL (UDP,11215) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0335
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - (SSH,22) AC_AWS_0227
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure MongoDB' (TCP,27017) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0362
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure CIFS for file/printer (TCP,445) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0315
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Memcached SSL (UDP,11214) AC_AWS_0250
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure MongoWebPortal' (TCP,27018) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0342
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure PuppetMaster' (TCP,8140) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0354
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Oracle DB SSL (UDP,2484) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0303
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - MSSQL Debugger (TCP,135) AC_AWS_0246
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure LDAP SSL (TCP,636) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0285
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Memcached SSL (UDP,11215) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0293
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure HadoopNameNode' (TCP,9000) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0339
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SaltStack Master (TCP,4505) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0277
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Security Groups Unrestricted Specific Ports MemcachedSSL (TCP,11214) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0332
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBios Datagram Service (TCP,138) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0298
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Oracle DB SSL (UDP,2484) AC_AWS_0261
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Security Groups Unrestricted Specific Ports Elasticsearch (TCP,9200) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0324
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - SaltStack Master (TCP,4506) AC_AWS_0236
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SNMP (UDP,161) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0308
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure OracleDBSSL' (TCP,2484) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0349
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Mongo Web Portal (TCP,27018) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0294
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Security Groups Unrestricted Specific Ports MSSQLAdmin (TCP,1434) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0328
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Hadoop Name Node (TCP,9000) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0282
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Postgres SQL (TCP,5432) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0304
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Known internal web port (TCP,8000) AC_AWS_0241
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Prevalentknowninternalport' (TCP,3000) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0353
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBIOSNameService' (UDP,137) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0345
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Oracle Database Server (TCP,1521) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0312
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - NetBIOS Datagram Service (UDP,138) AC_AWS_0257
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Telnet (TCP,23) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0313
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - NetBIOS Datagram Service (TCP,138) AC_AWS_0256
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBIOSNameService' (UDP,137) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0344
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure PostgresSQL' (UDP,5432) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0352
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Postgres SQL (UDP,5432) is not accessible by a CIDR block range AC_AWS_0305
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Hadoop Name Node (TCP,9000) AC_AWS_0240
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Security Groups Unrestricted Specific Ports MSSQLBrowserService (UDP,1434) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0329
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Known internal web port (TCP,8000) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0283
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure MySQL (TCP,3306) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0295
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBIOSSessionService' (UDP,139) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0348
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SQL Server Analysis Service browser (TCP,2382) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0309
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - CIFS / SMB (TCP,3020) AC_AWS_0237
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Oracle DB SSL (TCP,2484) AC_AWS_0260
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Security Groups Unrestricted Specific Ports SaltStackMaster (TCP,4506) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0325
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Unknown Port is not exposed to the entire internet AC_AWS_0276
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Security Groups Unrestricted Specific Ports MemcachedSSL (TCP,11215) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0333
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBios Datagram Service (UDP,138) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0299
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - NetBIOS Session Service (UDP,139) AC_AWS_0259
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Elasticsearch (TCP,9200) AC_AWS_0234
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Security Groups Unrestricted Specific Ports CassandraOpsCenteragent (TCP,61621) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0326
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Postgres SQL (UDP,5432) AC_AWS_0263
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Security Groups Unrestricted Specific Ports MSSQLDebugger (TCP,135) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0330
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure no security groups is wide open to public, that is, allows traffic from to ALL ports and protocols AC_AWS_0275
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - NetBIOS Name Service (UDP,137) AC_AWS_0255
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SQL Server Analysis Services (TCP,2383) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0310
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBIOSSessionService' (TCP,139) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0347
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure PostgresSQL' (TCP,5432) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0351
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - LDAP SSL (TCP,636) AC_AWS_0243
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Prevalent known internal port (TCP,3000) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0306
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Cassandra OpsCenter agent (TCP,61621) AC_AWS_0238
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Cassandra OpsCenter agent port (TCP,61621) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0280
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBIOS Name Service (TCP,137) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0296
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure CIFS / SMB (TCP,3020) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0279
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBIOS Name Service (UDP,137) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0297
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SaltStack Master (TCP,4506) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0278
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Cassandra (TCP,7001) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0281
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Cassandra (TCP,7001) AC_AWS_0239
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Known internal web port (TCP,8080) AC_AWS_0242
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Puppet Master (TCP:8140) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0307
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure OracleDBSSL' (UDP,2484) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0350
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBIOSDatagramService' (UDP,138) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0346
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - NetBIOS Name Service (TCP,137) AC_AWS_0254
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SaltStack Master (TCP,4505) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0311
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Security Groups Unrestricted Specific Ports MSSQLServer (TCP,1433) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0331
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - MongoDB (TCP,27017) AC_AWS_0274
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Security Groups Unrestricted Specific Ports Knowninternalwebport (TCP,8080) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0327
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Postgres SQL (TCP,5432) AC_AWS_0262
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Elasticsearch (TCP,9300) AC_AWS_0235
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - NetBIOS Session Service (TCP,139) AC_AWS_0258
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - MySQL (TCP,3306) AC_AWS_0253
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure MongoDB (TCP,27017) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0316
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure LDAPSSL' (TCP,636) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0341
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SQLServerAnalysisServices' (TCP,2383) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0357
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - MSSQL Browser Service (UDP,1434) AC_AWS_0245
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBios Session Service (TCP,139) is not accessible by a CIDR block range AC_AWS_0300
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure MSSQL Admin (TCP,1434) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0286
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - SaltStack Master (TCP,4505) AC_AWS_0269
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Memcached SSL (TCP,11214) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0290
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - (HTTP,80) AC_AWS_0228
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Memcached SSL (TCP,11215) AC_AWS_0249
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure no default security groups are used as they allow ingress from to ALL ports and protocols AC_AWS_0232
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Security Groups Unrestricted Specific Ports SSH (TCP,22) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0320
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Puppet Master (TCP,8140) AC_AWS_0265
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Security Groups Unrestricted Specific Ports MySQL (TCP,3306) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0336
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - CIFS for file/printer (TCP,445) AC_AWS_0273
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure CIFSforfile/printer' (TCP,445) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0361
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SMTP' (TCP,25) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0360
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure CIFS/SMB' (TCP,3020) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0337
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - SMTP (TCP,25) AC_AWS_0272
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Security Groups Unrestricted Specific Ports http (TCP,80) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0321
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Prevalent known internal port (TCP,3000) AC_AWS_0264
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - SaltStack Master (TCP,4505) AC_AWS_0233
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Memcached SSL (TCP,11214) AC_AWS_0248
Infrastructure Security json LOW Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - (HTTPS,443) AC_AWS_0229
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Memcached SSL (TCP,11215) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0291
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure MSSQL Browser Service (UDP,1434) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0287
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - SQL Server Analysis Services (TCP,2383) AC_AWS_0268
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - MSSQL Admin (TCP,1434) AC_AWS_0244
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBios Session Service (UDP,139) is not accessible by a CIDR block range AC_AWS_0301
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SQLServerAnalysisServicebrowser' (TCP,2382) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0356
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Knowninternalwebport' (TCP,8000) not exposed to private hosts more than 32 AC_AWS_0340
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Security Groups - Unrestricted Specific Ports - Mongo Web Portal (TCP,27018) AC_AWS_0252
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Elasticsearch (TCP,9200) is not accessible by a public CIDR block range AC_AWS_0317


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security APGM LOW Ensure there is no open access to back-end resources through API AWS.APGM.IS.LOW.0056


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management AEFSP HIGH Ensure EFS file system does not use insecure wildcard policies. AWS.AEFSP.IAM.HIGH.0059


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management ECS HIGH Ensure there are no ECS services Admin roles AWS.ECS.High.0436


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring AGA LOW Ensure Global Accelerator accelerator has flow logs enabled. AWS.AGA.LM.LOW.0073


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management APGRAP HIGH Ensure use of API Gateway endpoint policy, and no action wildcards are being used. AWS.APGRAP.IAM.HIGH.0064

5.3 - Azure Policies


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management azure HIGH Anonymous, public read access to a container and its blobs can be enabled in Azure Blob storage. This is only recommended if absolutely necessary. accurics.azure.IAM.368


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security azure HIGH Ensure ‘Enforce SSL connection’ is set to ‘ENABLED’ for MySQL Database Server. accurics.azure.NS.361


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security azure MEDIUM Restrict Azure SQL Server accessibility to a minimal address range accurics.azure.NS.169
Infrastructure Security azure HIGH Ensure entire Azure infrastructure doesn’t have access to Azure SQL ServerEnsure entire Azure infrastructure doesn’t have access to Azure SQL Server accurics.azure.NS.5
Infrastructure Security azure MEDIUM Ensure that no SQL Server allows ingress from (ANY IP) accurics.azure.NS.21


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection azure MEDIUM Ensure the key vault is recoverable - enable “Soft Delete” setting for a Key Vault accurics.azure.EKM.164
Logging and Monitoring azure HIGH Ensure that logging for Azure KeyVault is ‘Enabled’ accurics.azure.EKM.20


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management azure LOW Ensure that Azure Resource Group has resource lock enabled accurics.azure.NS.272


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security azure MEDIUM Ensure default network access rule for Storage Accounts is set to deny. accurics.azure.NS.370


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security azure HIGH Ensure ‘Trusted Microsoft Services’ is enabled for Storage Account access accurics.azure.NS.2
Infrastructure Security azure HIGH Ensure default network access rule for Storage Accounts is not open to public accurics.azure.NS.4
Data Protection azure HIGH Ensure that ‘Secure transfer required’ is enabled for Storage Accounts accurics.azure.EKM.7


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring azure MEDIUM Ensure that ‘Auditing’ is set to ‘On’ for SQL servers accurics.azure.MON.354
Identity and Access Management azure HIGH Ensure that Azure Active Directory Admin is configured for SQL Server accurics.azure.IAM.10
Compliance Validation azure MEDIUM Avoid using names like ‘Admin’ for an Azure SQL Server admin account login accurics.azure.IAM.138
Compliance Validation azure LOW Ensure that ‘Auditing’ Retention is ‘greater than 90 days’ for SQL servers. accurics.azure.LOG.356


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring azure MEDIUM Ensure server parameter ‘log_duration’ is set to ‘ON’ for PostgreSQL Database Server accurics.azure.LOG.154
Logging and Monitoring azure MEDIUM Ensure server parameter ‘log_retention_days’ is greater than 3 days for PostgreSQL Database Server accurics.azure.LOG.155
Logging and Monitoring azure MEDIUM Ensure server parameter ‘log_connections’ is set to ‘ON’ for PostgreSQL Database Server accurics.azure.LOG.152
Logging and Monitoring azure MEDIUM Ensure server parameter ‘log_checkpoints’ is set to ‘ON’ for PostgreSQL Database Server accurics.azure.LOG.364
Logging and Monitoring azure MEDIUM Ensure server parameter ‘log_disconnections’ is set to ‘ON’ for PostgreSQL Database Server accurics.azure.LOG.153
Logging and Monitoring azure MEDIUM Ensure server parameter ‘connection_throttling’ is set to ‘ON’ for PostgreSQL Database Server accurics.azure.LOG.151


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring azure MEDIUM Ensure that ‘Threat Detection’ is enabled for Azure SQL Database accurics.azure.MON.157


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Security Best Practices azure HIGH Ensure that Redis is updated regularly with security and operational updates.Note this feature is only available to Premium tier Redis Caches. accurics.azure.NS.13
Infrastructure Security azure MEDIUM Ensure that the Redis Cache accepts only SSL connections accurics.azure.EKM.23
Infrastructure Security azure HIGH Ensure there are no firewall rules allowing unrestricted access to Redis from other Azure sources accurics.azure.NS.31
Infrastructure Security azure HIGH Ensure there are no firewall rules allowing unrestricted access to Redis from the Internet accurics.azure.NS.30
Infrastructure Security azure MEDIUM Ensure there are no firewall rules allowing Redis Cache access for a large number of source IPs accurics.azure.NS.166


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring azure MEDIUM Ensure that ‘Auditing’ is set to ‘On’ for MSSQL servers accurics.azure.MON.355
Logging and Monitoring azure MEDIUM Ensure that ‘Auditing’ Retention is ‘greater than 90 days’ for MSSQL servers. accurics.azure.LOG.357


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security azure MEDIUM Ensure Kube Dashboard is disabled accurics.azure.NS.383
Infrastructure Security azure MEDIUM Ensure AKS cluster has Network Policy configured. accurics.azure.NS.382


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection azure MEDIUM Ensure that ‘Unattached disks’ are encrypted in Azure Managed Disk accurics.azure.EKM.156


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Resilience azure MEDIUM Ensure that Network Security Group Flow Log retention period is ‘greater than 90 days’ for Azure Network Watcher Flow Log accurics.azure.NS.342
Logging and Monitoring azure HIGH Enable Network Watcher for Azure subscriptions. Network diagnostic and visualization tools available with Network Watcher help users understand, diagnose, and gain insights to the network in Azure. accurics.azure.NS.11


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection azure HIGH Ensure that the expiration date is set on all secrets accurics.azure.EKM.26


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection azure HIGH Ensure that the expiration date is set on all keys accurics.azure.EKM.25


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring azure MEDIUM Ensure that ‘Send email notification for high severity alerts’ is set to ‘On’ accurics.azure.MON.353


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Known internal web port (Tcp:8000) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0528
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBIOS Name Service (Udp:137) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0482
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Microsoft-DS (Tcp:445) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0494
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure MSSQL Debugger (Tcp:135) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0512
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure PostgreSQL (Udp:5432) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0457
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Memcached SSL (Tcp:11215) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0504
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SQL Server Analysis (Tcp:2382) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0441
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure POP3 (Tcp:110) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0461
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Known internal web port (Tcp:8080) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0524
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure SaltStack Master (Tcp:4505) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0436
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBIOS Datagram Service (Udp:138) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0477
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Hadoop Name Node (Tcp:9000) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0532
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Memcached SSL (Udp:11215) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0498
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure CIFS / SMB (Tcp:3020) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0271
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Memcached SSL (Tcp:11214) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0508
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure MSSQL Server (Tcp:1433) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0509
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure CIFS / SMB (Tcp:3020) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0270
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBIOS Datagram Service (Udp:138) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0476
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure DNS (Udp:53) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0533
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Memcached SSL (Udp:11215) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0499
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure server is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0421
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SQL Server Analysis (Tcp:2383) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0437
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure PostgreSQL (Tcp:5432) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0460
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Known internal web port (Tcp:8080) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0525
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Memcached SSL (Tcp:11215) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0505
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SQL Server Analysis (Tcp:2382) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0440
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure SSH (Tcp:22) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0285
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure MSSQL Debugger (Tcp:135) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0513
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure PostgreSQL (Udp:5432) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0456
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Microsoft-DS (Tcp:445) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0495
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure that RDP access is restricted from the internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0342
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Known internal web port (Tcp:8000) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0529
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBIOS Name Service (Udp:137) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0483
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Oracle DB SSL (Tcp:2484) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0467
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure MySQL (Tcp:3306) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0488
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure LDAP SSL (Tcp:636) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0522
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Telnet (Tcp:23) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0430
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure VNC Listener (Tcp:5500) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0426
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBIOS Session Service (Udp:139) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0471
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure DNS (Udp:53) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0534
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure MSSQL Admin (Tcp:1434) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0518
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure NetBIOS Name Service (Udp:137) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0484
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Mongo Web Portal (Tcp:27018) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0492
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure MSSQL Debugger (Tcp:135) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0514
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Puppet Master (Tcp:8140) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0451
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Memcached SSL (Udp:11214) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0502
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SMTP (Tcp:25) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0447
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Memcached SSL (Tcp:11215) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0503
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SMTP (Tcp:25) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0446
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure MSSQL Browser (Udp:1434) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0515
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Puppet Master (Tcp:8140) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0450
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Mongo Web Portal (Tcp:27018) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0493
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBIOS Name Service (Tcp:137) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0485
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Cassandra OpsCenter (Tcp:61621) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0276
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure MSSQL Admin (Tcp:1434) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0519
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBIOS Session Service (Udp:139) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0470
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure DNS (Udp:53) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0535
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure VNC Listener (Tcp:5500) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0427
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SaltStack Master (Tcp:4506) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0431
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Oracle DB SSL (Udp:2484) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0466
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure MySQL (Tcp:3306) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0489
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure LDAP SSL (Tcp:636) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0523
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Puppet Master (Tcp:8140) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0449
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Cassandra (Tcp:7001) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0275
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Cassandra OpsCenter (Tcp:61621) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0536
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBIOS Session Service (Tcp:139) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0473
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure VNC Server (Tcp:5900) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0424
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SaltStack Master (Tcp:4506) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0432
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure MSSQL Admin (Tcp:1434) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0520
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Oracle DB SSL (Udp:2484) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0465
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure SNMP (Udp:161) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0445
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Memcached SSL (Udp:11214) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0500
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Prevalent known internal port (Tcp:3000) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0453
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure MSSQL Browser (Udp:1434) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0516
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure MySQL (Tcp:3306) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0490
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Telnet (Tcp:23) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0428
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBIOS Name Service (Tcp:137) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0486
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Oracle DB SSL (Tcp:2484) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0469
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure NetBIOS Name Service (Tcp:137) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0487
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Oracle DB SSL (Tcp:2484) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0468
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Telnet (Tcp:23) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0429
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Mongo Web Portal (Tcp:27018) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0491
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Prevalent known internal port (Tcp:3000) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0452
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure MSSQL Browser (Udp:1434) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0517
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SNMP (Udp:161) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0444
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Memcached SSL (Udp:11214) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0501
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure LDAP SSL (Tcp:636) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0521
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Oracle DB SSL (Udp:2484) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0464
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure SaltStack Master (Tcp:4506) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0433
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure VNC Listener (Tcp:5500) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0425
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Cassandra OpsCenter (Tcp:61621) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0537
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure NetBIOS Session Service (Udp:139) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0472
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Cassandra (Tcp:7001) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0274
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure SMTP (Tcp:25) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0448
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SNMP (Udp:161) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0443
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Memcached SSL (Tcp:11214) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0506
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SSH (Tcp:22) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0286
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure PostgreSQL (Udp:5432) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0455
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure MSSQL Server (Tcp:1433) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0510
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Microsoft-DS (Tcp:445) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0496
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBIOS Datagram Service (Tcp:138) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0479
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure that request initiated from all ports () for all destination ports () is restricted from the internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0357
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SQL Server Analysis (Tcp:2383) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0438
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBIOS Datagram Service (Tcp:138) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0480
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Cassandra (Tcp:7001) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0273
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure PostgreSQL (Tcp:5432) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0459
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Hadoop Name Node (Tcp:9000) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0530
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure NetBIOS Session Service (Tcp:139) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0475
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure VNC Server (Tcp:5900) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0422
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SaltStack Master (Tcp:4505) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0434
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Known internal web port (Tcp:8080) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0526
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure POP3 (Tcp:110) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0463
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Known internal web port (Tcp:8000) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0527
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure POP3 (Tcp:110) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0462
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SaltStack Master (Tcp:4505) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0435
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure VNC Server (Tcp:5900) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0423
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Hadoop Name Node (Tcp:9000) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0531
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBIOS Session Service (Tcp:139) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0474
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure PostgreSQL (Tcp:5432) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0458
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure CIFS / SMB (Tcp:3020) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0272
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure NetBIOS Datagram Service (Tcp:138) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0481
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure SQL Server Analysis (Tcp:2383) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0439
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Memcached SSL (Udp:11215) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0497
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure NetBIOS Datagram Service (Udp:138) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0478
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Prevalent known internal port (Tcp:3000) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0454
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure MSSQL Server (Tcp:1433) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0511
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SSH (Tcp:22) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0287
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure SQL Server Analysis (Tcp:2382) is not exposed to entire internet for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0442
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Memcached SSL (Tcp:11214) is not exposed to public for Azure Network Security Rule AC_AZURE_0507


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security azure HIGH Ensure to filter source Ips for Cosmos DB Account accurics.azure.NS.32
Compliance Validation azure MEDIUM Ensure that Cosmos DB Account has an associated tag accurics.azure.CAM.162


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Security Best Practices azure MEDIUM Ensure that standard pricing tiers are selected accurics.azure.OPS.349


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Compliance Validation azure MEDIUM Avoid using names like ‘Admin’ for an Azure SQL Server Active Directory Administrator account accurics.azure.IAM.137


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management azure MEDIUM Ensure that admin user is disabled for Container Registry accurics.azure.EKM.164
Resilience azure HIGH Ensure Container Registry has locks accurics.azure.AKS.3


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security azure MEDIUM Ensure that Azure Virtual Network subnet is configured with a Network Security Group accurics.azure.NS.161


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management azure HIGH Ensure that there are no guest users accurics.azure.IAM.388


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security azure MEDIUM Ensure Azure Application Gateway Web application firewall (WAF) is enabled accurics.azure.NS.147


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security azure HIGH Ensure ‘Enforce SSL connection’ is set to ‘ENABLED’ for PostgreSQL Database Server accurics.azure.EKM.1
Resilience azure MEDIUM Ensure that Geo Redundant Backups is enabled on PostgreSQL accurics.azure.BDR.163

5.4 - GCP Policies


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Security Best Practices gcp LOW Ensure ‘Automatic node upgrade’ is enabled for Kubernetes Clusters. accurics.gcp.OPS.101
Compliance Validation gcp HIGH Ensure Container-Optimized OS (cos) is used for Kubernetes Engine Clusters Node image. accurics.gcp.OPS.114
Security Best Practices gcp LOW Ensure ‘Automatic node repair’ is enabled for Kubernetes Clusters. accurics.gcp.OPS.144


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management gcp MEDIUM Repository is Not Private. accurics.gcp.IAM.145


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management gcp HIGH BigQuery datasets may be anonymously or publicly accessible. accurics.gcp.IAM.106


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management gcp HIGH Ensure oslogin is enabled for a Project accurics.gcp.IAM.127


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring gcp MEDIUM Ensure that VPC Flow Logs is enabled for every subnet in a VPC Network. accurics.gcp.LOG.118


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring gcp LOW Ensure that Cloud Audit Logging is configured properly across all services and all users from a project. accurics.gcp.LOG.010


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Resilience gcp HIGH Ensure all Cloud SQL database instance have backup configuration enabled. accurics.gcp.BDR.105
Infrastructure Security gcp HIGH Ensure that Cloud SQL database Instances are not open to the world. accurics.gcp.NS.102
Infrastructure Security gcp HIGH Ensure that Cloud SQL database instance requires all incoming connections to use SSL accurics.gcp.EKM.141


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security gcp MEDIUM Ensure IP forwarding is not enabled on Instances. accurics.gcp.NS.130
Infrastructure Security gcp HIGH Ensure ‘Block Project-wide SSH keys’ is enabled for VM instances. accurics.gcp.NS.126
Data Protection gcp MEDIUM VM disks attached to a compute instance should be encrypted with Customer Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEK) . accurics.gcp.EKM.132
Identity and Access Management gcp HIGH Instances may have been configured to use the default service account with full access to all Cloud APIs accurics.gcp.IAM.124
Infrastructure Security gcp MEDIUM Ensure ‘Enable connecting to serial ports’ is not enabled for VM instances. accurics.gcp.NS.129
Infrastructure Security gcp MEDIUM Ensure Compute instances are launched with Shielded VM enabled. accurics.gcp.NS.133
Identity and Access Management gcp MEDIUM Ensure that no instance in the project overrides the project setting for enabling OSLogin accurics.gcp.IAM.128
Infrastructure Security gcp HIGH Instances may have been configured to use the default service account with full access to all Cloud APIs accurics.gcp.NS.125


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management gcp MEDIUM Ensure that Cloud Storage bucket is not anonymously or publicly accessible. accurics.gcp.IAM.121


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security json Medium GKE Control Plane is exposed to few public IP addresses using master-authorized-network-config AC-GC-IS-CC-M-0367
Logging and Monitoring gcp HIGH Ensure Stackdriver Monitoring is enabled on Kubernetes Engine Clusters. accurics.gcp.MON.143
Infrastructure Security gcp HIGH Ensure Kubernetes Cluster is created with Private cluster enabled. accurics.gcp.NS.117
Compliance Validation gcp HIGH Ensure PodSecurityPolicy controller is enabled on the Kubernetes Engine Clusters. accurics.gcp.OPS.116
Identity and Access Management gcp HIGH Ensure GKE basic auth is disabled. accurics.gcp.IAM.110
Infrastructure Security gcp HIGH Ensure Master Authentication is set to enabled on Kubernetes Engine Clusters. accurics.gcp.NS.112
Compliance Validation gcp HIGH Ensure Kubernetes Cluster is created with Alias IP ranges enabled accurics.gcp.OPS.115
Infrastructure Security gcp HIGH Ensure GKE Control Plane is not public. accurics.gcp.NS.109
Identity and Access Management gcp MEDIUM Ensure Kubernetes Cluster is created with Client Certificate disabled. accurics.gcp.IAM.104
Compliance Validation gcp HIGH Ensure Kubernetes Clusters are configured with Labels. accurics.gcp.OPS.113
Identity and Access Management gcp HIGH Ensure Legacy Authorization is set to disabled on Kubernetes Engine Clusters. accurics.gcp.IAM.142
Logging and Monitoring gcp HIGH Ensure Stackdriver Logging is enabled on Kubernetes Engine Clusters. accurics.gcp.LOG.100
Infrastructure Security gcp HIGH Ensure Network policy is enabled on Kubernetes Engine Clusters. accurics.gcp.NS.103


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security gcp MEDIUM Ensure that the default network does not exist in a project. accurics.gcp.NS.119


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Puppet Master (TCP:8140) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0049
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Remote Desktop (TCP:3389) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0225
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure LDAP SSL (TCP:636) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0161
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SaltStack Master (TCP:4506) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0073
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Cassandra (TCP:7001) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0136
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure VNC Listener (TCP:5500) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0065
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Memcached SSL (UDP:11215) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0120
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Oracle DB (TCP:1521) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0209
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Cassandra Internode Communication (TCP:7000) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0198
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Elastic Search (TCP:9300) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0177
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBios Datagram Service (TCP:138) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0100
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Mongo Web Portal (TCP:27018) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0045
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure MSSQL Server (TCP:1433) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0157
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Postgres SQL (TCP:5432) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0141
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Microsoft-DS (TCP:445) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0116
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure SQL Server Analysis Service browser (TCP:2382) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0053
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Elastic Search (TCP:9200) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0182
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure LDAP (UDP:389) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0213
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBios Session Service (UDP:139) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0090
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Oracle DB (TCP:2483) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0205
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Known internal web port (TCP:8000) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0069
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure DNS (UDP:53) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0086
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Cassandra Monitoring (TCP:7199) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0194
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Known internal web port (TCP:8080) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0068
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SNMP (UDP:161) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0087
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Oracle DB (UDP:2483) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0204
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBios Session Service (UDP:139) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0091
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure LDAP (UDP:389) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0212
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Cassandra Thrift (TCP:9160) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0183
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Telnet (TCP:23) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0117
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SQL Server Analysis Service browser (TCP:2382) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0052
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Postgres SQL (UDP:5432) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0140
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure MSSQL Server (TCP:1433) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0156
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure NetBios Datagram Service (TCP:138) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0101
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Cassandra OpsCenter agent (TCP:61621) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0044
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure SSH (TCP:20) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0228
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Redis (TCP:6379) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0199
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Unencrypted Memcached Instances (TCP:11211) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0176
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Oracle DB (TCP:1521) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0208
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure VNC Listener (TCP:5500) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0064
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Memcached SSL (UDP:11215) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0121
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SaltStack Master (TCP:4506) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0072
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Cassandra (TCP:7001) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0137
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure LDAP SSL (TCP:636) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0160
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Remote Desktop (TCP:3389) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0224
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Puppet Master (TCP:8140) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0048
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBIOS Name Service (TCP:137) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0106
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Cassandra OpsCenter agent (TCP:61621) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0043
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Oracle DB SSL (TCP:2484) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0151
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Oracle DB SSL (UDP:2484) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0147
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure POP3 (TCP:110) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0110
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure MSSQL Browser Service (UDP:1434) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0055
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Cassandra Thrift (TCP:9160) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0184
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure LDAP (TCP:389) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0215
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure CIFS / SMB (TCP:3020) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0079
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBios Datagram Service (TCP:138) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0096
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Oracle DB (UDP:2483) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0203
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure CIFS / SMB (TCP:3020) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0080
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Cassandra Monitoring (TCP:7199) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0192
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Remote Desktop (TCP:3389) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0223
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure MSSQL Admin (TCP:1434) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0059
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Cassandra Client (TCP:9042) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0188
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Cassandra OpsCenter Monitoring (TCP:61620) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0167
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SaltStack Master (TCP:4505) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0075
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Memcached SSL (TCP:11214) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0130
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure CiscoSecure, Websm (TCP:9090) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0219
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure VNC Listener (TCP:5500) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0063
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Memcached SSL (UDP:11214) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0126
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Unencrypted Memcached Instances (UDP:11211) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0171
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Unencrypted Mongo Instances (TCP:27017) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0170
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure VNC Server (TCP:5900) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0062
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Memcached SSL (UDP:11214) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0127
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure CiscoSecure, Websm (TCP:9090) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0218
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure SaltStack Master (TCP:4506) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0074
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Memcached SSL (TCP:11214) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0131
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Cassandra OpsCenter Website (TCP:8888) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0189
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Cassandra OpsCenter Monitoring (TCP:61620) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0166
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure MSSQL Admin (TCP:1434) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0058
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Hadoop Name Node (TCP:9000) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0222
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Cassandra Monitoring (TCP:7199) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0193
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Prevalent known internal port (TCP:3000) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0081
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Oracle DB (UDP:2483) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0202
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure CIFS / SMB (TCP:3020) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0078
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBios Datagram Service (TCP:138) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0097
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure LDAP (TCP:389) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0214
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Cassandra Thrift (TCP:9160) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0185
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SMTP (TCP:25) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0111
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure MSSQL Browser Service (UDP:1434) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0054
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure MySQL (TCP:3306) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0146
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Oracle DB SSL (TCP:2484) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0150
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure NetBIOS Name Service (TCP:137) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0107
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Cassandra OpsCenter agent (TCP:61621) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0042
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Cassandra OpsCenter Website (TCP:8888) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0190
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Prevalent known internal port (TCP:3000) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0082
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Memcached SSL (UDP:11214) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0128
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Redis (TCP:6379) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0201
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBios Session Service (TCP:139) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0094
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure CiscoSecure, Websm (TCP:9090) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0217
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Unencrypted Mongo Instances (TCP:27017) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0169
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Cassandra Client (TCP:9042) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0186
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure MSSQL Admin (TCP:1434) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0057
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SMTP (TCP:25) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0112
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure MySQL (TCP:3306) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0145
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SQL Server Analysis Services (TCP:2383) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0153
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure NetBIOS Name Service (UDP:137) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0104
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Unencrypted Memcached Instances (UDP:11211) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0173
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Memcached SSL (TCP:11215) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0124
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure VNC Server (TCP:5900) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0061
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure NetBios Datagram Service (TCP:138) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0098
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Remote Desktop (TCP:3389) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0132
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure SaltStack Master (TCP:4505) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0077
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Cassandra OpsCenter Monitoring (TCP:61620) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0165
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Oracle DB SSL (UDP:2484) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0149
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Hadoop Name Node (TCP:9000) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0221
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure POP3 (TCP:110) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0108
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure POP3 (TCP:110) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0109
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Hadoop Name Node (TCP:9000) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0220
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Oracle DB SSL (UDP:2484) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0148
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure MSSQL Debugger (TCP:135) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0164
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBios Datagram Service (TCP:138) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0099
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Remote Desktop (TCP:3389) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0133
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SaltStack Master (TCP:4505) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0076
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Memcached SSL (TCP:11215) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0125
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure VNC Server (TCP:5900) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0060
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Unencrypted Memcached Instances (UDP:11211) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0172
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBIOS Name Service (TCP:137) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0105
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Oracle DB SSL (TCP:2484) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0152
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure MySQL (TCP:3306) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0144
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure MSSQL Browser Service (UDP:1434) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0056
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure SMTP (TCP:25) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0113
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Unencrypted Mongo Instances (TCP:27017) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0168
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Cassandra Client (TCP:9042) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0187
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure LDAP (TCP:389) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0216
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure NetBios Session Service (TCP:139) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0095
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Redis (TCP:6379) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0200
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Prevalent known internal port (TCP:3000) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0083
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Memcached SSL (TCP:11214) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0129
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Cassandra OpsCenter Website (TCP:8888) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0191
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Unencrypted Memcached Instances (TCP:11211) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0175
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Memcached SSL (UDP:11215) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0122
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SNMP (UDP:161) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0088
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Known internal web port (TCP:8080) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0067
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Remote Desktop (TCP:3389) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0134
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Known internal web port (TCP:8000) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0071
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure MSSQL Debugger (TCP:135) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0163
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Telnet (TCP:23) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0118
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure LDAP SSL (TCP:636) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0159
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SSH (TCP:20) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0227
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Elastic Search (TCP:9300) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0179
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Cassandra Internode Communication (TCP:7000) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0196
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure DNS (UDP:53) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0084
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Oracle DB (TCP:2483) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0207
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Postgres SQL (UDP:5432) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0138
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure NetBios Session Service (UDP:139) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0092
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure LDAP (UDP:389) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0211
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Elastic Search (TCP:9200) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0180
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SQL Server Analysis Service browser (TCP:2382) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0051
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Microsoft-DS (TCP:445) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0114
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Postgres SQL (TCP:5432) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0143
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure SQL Server Analysis Services (TCP:2383) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0155
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Mongo Web Portal (TCP:27018) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0047
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBIOS Name Service (UDP:137) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0102
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Mongo Web Portal (TCP:27018) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0046
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure NetBIOS Name Service (UDP:137) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0103
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure SQL Server Analysis Services (TCP:2383) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0154
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Postgres SQL (TCP:5432) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0142
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Puppet Master (TCP:8140) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0050
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Microsoft-DS (TCP:445) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0115
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Elastic Search (TCP:9200) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0181
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Oracle DB (TCP:1521) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0210
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Postgres SQL (UDP:5432) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0139
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure NetBios Session Service (TCP:139) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0093
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Oracle DB (TCP:2483) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0206
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure DNS (UDP:53) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0085
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Elastic Search (TCP:9300) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0178
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Cassandra Internode Communication (TCP:7000) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0197
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure SSH (TCP:20) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0226
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure MSSQL Server (TCP:1433) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0158
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure Telnet (TCP:23) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0119
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure MSSQL Debugger (TCP:135) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0162
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Cassandra (TCP:7001) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0135
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Known internal web port (TCP:8000) is not exposed to public for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0070
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Memcached SSL (TCP:11215) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0123
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure SNMP (UDP:161) is not exposed to entire internet for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0089
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Known internal web port (TCP:8080) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0066
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure Unencrypted Memcached Instances (TCP:11211) is not exposed to private hosts more than 32 for Google Compute Firewall AC_GCP_0174


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security gcp HIGH Ensure that RSASHA1 is not used for the zone-signing and key-signing keys in Cloud DNS DNSSEC. accurics.gcp.EKM.108
Infrastructure Security gcp LOW Ensure that DNSSEC is enabled for Cloud DNS. accurics.gcp.NS.107


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Data Protection gcp MEDIUM Ensure VM disks for critical VMs are encrypted with Customer Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEK) . accurics.gcp.EKM.131


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management gcp HIGH Ensure that IAM users are not assigned the Service Account User or Service Account Token Creator roles at project level. accurics.gcp.IAM.137
Identity and Access Management gcp HIGH Ensure that Service Account has no Admin privileges. accurics.gcp.IAM.138


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management gcp HIGH Ensure that Cloud Storage bucket is not anonymously or publicly Accessible. accurics.gcp.IAM.120


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security gcp MEDIUM Ensure no HTTPS or SSL proxy load balancers permit SSL policies with weak cipher suites. accurics.gcp.EKM.134


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Logging and Monitoring gcp HIGH Ensure that logging is enabled for Cloud storage buckets. accurics.gcp.LOG.147
Logging and Monitoring gcp HIGH Ensure that object versioning is enabled on log-buckets. accurics.gcp.LOG.146
Identity and Access Management gcp MEDIUM Ensure that Cloud Storage buckets have uniform bucket-level access enabled. accurics.gcp.IAM.122


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Security Best Practices gcp MEDIUM Ensure Encryption keys are rotated within a period of 90 days. accurics.gcp.EKM.139
Security Best Practices gcp HIGH Ensure Encryption keys are rotated within a period of 365 days. accurics.gcp.EKM.007


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management gcp HIGH Ensure that IAM users are not assigned the Service Account User or Service Account Token Creator roles at project level. accurics.gcp.IAM.136
Identity and Access Management gcp MEDIUM Ensure that corporate login credentials are used instead of Gmail accounts. accurics.gcp.IAM.150

5.5 - GitHub Policies


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management github MEDIUM Repository is Not Private. accurics.github.IAM.1


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Encryption and Key Management github MEDIUM Insecure SSL is used for repository webhook. accurics.github.EKM.2


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Encryption and Key Management github MEDIUM Insecure SSL is used for organization webhook. accurics.github.EKM.1

5.6 - Docker Policies


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure platform flag with FROM command is not used for Docker file AC_DOCKER_0001
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure tag with FROM command exists and is not latest AC_DOCKER_0041


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure range of ports is from 0 to 65535 AC_DOCKER_0011


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Pinned Pip Package Version AC_DOCKER_0010
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure to avoid RUN with sudo command AC_DOCKER_0007
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure apt is not used with RUN command for Docker file AC_DOCKER_0002
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure dnf Update is not used for Docker file AC_DOCKER_0003
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure yum install allow manual input with RUN command for Docker file AC_DOCKER_0004
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Yum Clean All is used after Yum Install AC_DOCKER_0009
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure root with RUN command is not used for Docker file AC_DOCKER_0005


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure the use absolute paths for your WORKDIR. AC_DOCKER_0013

5.7 - Kubernetes Policies


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure endpoint slice is not created or updated with loopback addresses as this acts as an attack vector for exploiting CVE-2021-25737 by an authorized user AC_K8S_0113


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security json LOW Ensure the use of selector is enforced for Kubernetes Ingress or LoadBalancer service AC_K8S_0114
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Restrict the use of externalIPs AC-K8-NS-SE-M-0188
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure that the Tiller Service (Helm v2) is deleted AC-K8-NS-SE-M-0185
Infrastructure Security json LOW Nodeport service can expose the worker nodes as they have public interface AC-K8-NS-SV-L-0132
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Vulnerable to CVE-2020-8554 AC-K8-NS-SE-M-0188


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM TLS disabled can affect the confidentiality of the data in transit AC-K8-NS-IN-H-0020


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Containers Should Not Share the Host Network Namespace AC-K8-NS-PO-M-0164
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Image without digest affects the integrity principle of image security AC-K8-NS-PO-M-0133
Identity and Access Management json HIGH Minimize Admission of Root Containers AC-K8-IA-PO-H-0168
Security Best Practices json Medium CPU Request Not Set in config file. AC-K8-OE-PK-M-0155
Security Best Practices json HIGH Default Namespace Should Not be Used AC-K8-OE-PO-M-0166
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Do Not Use CAP_SYS_ADMIN Linux Capability AC-K8-NS-PO-H-0170
Security Best Practices json Medium Memory Limits Not Set in config file. AC-K8-OE-PK-M-0158
Data Protection json MEDIUM Ensure That Tiller (Helm V2) Is Not Deployed AC-K8-DS-PO-M-0177
Security Best Practices json LOW No readiness probe will affect automatic recovery in case of unexpected errors AC-K8-OE-PO-L-0130
Identity and Access Management json MEDIUM Default seccomp profile not enabled will make the container to make non-essential system calls AC-K8-IA-PO-M-0141
Identity and Access Management json MEDIUM Container images with readOnlyRootFileSystem set as false mounts the container root file system with write permissions AC-K8-IA-PO-M-0140
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Prefer using secrets as files over secrets as environment variables AC-K8-NS-PO-H-0117
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Containers Should Not Share Host IPC Namespace AC-K8-NS-PO-M-0163
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Apply Security Context to Your Pods and Containers AC-K8-NS-PO-M-0122
Data Protection json MEDIUM Ensure Kubernetes Dashboard Is Not Deployed AC-K8-DS-PO-M-0176
Identity and Access Management json HIGH Allowing hostPaths to mount to Pod arise the probability of getting access to the node’s filesystem AC-K8-IA-PO-H-0138
Identity and Access Management json MEDIUM Some volume types mount the host file system paths to the pod or container, thus increasing the chance of escaping the container to access the host AC-K8-IA-PO-M-0143
Identity and Access Management json MEDIUM Allowing the pod to make system level calls provide access to host/node sensitive information AC-K8-IA-PO-H-0137
Data Protection json MEDIUM Vulnerable to CVE-2020-8555 (affected version of kube-controller-manager: v1.18.0, v1.17.0 - v1.17.4, v1.16.0 - v1.16.8, and v1.15.11 AC-K8-DS-PO-M-0143
Compliance Validation json MEDIUM AlwaysPullImages plugin is not set AC-K8-OE-PK-M-0034
Identity and Access Management json MEDIUM Unmasking the procMount will allow more information than is necessary to the program running in the containers spawned by k8s AC-K8-IA-PO-M-0139
Identity and Access Management json MEDIUM AppArmor profile not set to default or custom profile will make the container vulnerable to kernel level threats AC-K8-IA-PO-M-0135
Identity and Access Management json MEDIUM Containers Should Not Share Host Process ID Namespace AC-K8-IA-PO-M-0162
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Containers Should Run as a High UID to Avoid Host Conflict AC-K8-NS-PO-M-0182
Identity and Access Management json MEDIUM Minimize the admission of containers with the NET_RAW capability AC-K8-IA-PS-M-0112
Security Best Practices json LOW No liveness probe will ensure there is no recovery in case of unexpected errors AC-K8-OE-PO-L-0129
Security Best Practices json LOW No tag or container image with :Latest tag makes difficult to rollback and track AC-K8-OE-PO-L-0134
Security Best Practices json Medium Memory Request Not Set in config file. AC-K8-OE-PK-M-0157
Compliance Validation json HIGH Containers Should Not Run with AllowPrivilegeEscalation AC-K8-CA-PO-H-0165
Identity and Access Management json HIGH Minimize the admission of privileged containers AC-K8-IA-PO-H-0106
Security Best Practices json Medium CPU Limits Not Set in config file. AC-K8-OE-PK-M-0156
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Restrict Mounting Docker Socket in a Container AC-K8-NS-PO-M-0171
Identity and Access Management json MEDIUM Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary AC-K8-IA-PO-M-0105


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Identity and Access Management json HIGH Ensure that default service accounts are not actively used in Kubernetes Role AC-K8-IA-RO-H-0104


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Security Best Practices json LOW No owner for namespace affects the operations AC-K8-OE-NS-L-0128

6 - Contribution Guidelines

How to contribute to Terrascan!


Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated!

You can contribute in many ways:

Types of Contributions

Report Bugs

Report bugs at https://github.com/tenable/terrascan/issues.

If you are reporting a bug, please include:

  • Your operating system name and version.
  • Any details about your local setup that might be helpful in troubleshooting.
  • Detailed steps to reproduce the bug.

Fix Bugs

Look through the GitHub issues for bugs. Anything tagged with “bug” and “help wanted” is open to whoever wants to implement it.

Implement Features

Look through the GitHub issues for features. Anything tagged with “enhancement” and “help wanted” is open to whoever wants to implement it.

Write Documentation

Terrascan could always use more documentation, whether as part of the official Terrascan docs, or even on the web in blog posts, articles, videos, and such.

Submit Feedback

The best way to send feedback is to file an issue at https://github.com/tenable/terrascan/issues.

If you are proposing a feature:

  • Explain in detail how it would work.
  • Keep the scope as narrow as possible, to make it easier to implement.
  • Remember that this is a volunteer-driven project, and that contributions are welcome :)

Get Started!

Ready to contribute? Here’s how to set up terrascan for local development.

  1. Fork the terrascan repo on GitHub.
  2. Clone your fork locally:
    $ git clone git@github.com:your_name_here/terrascan.git
  1. Create a branch for local development:
    $ git checkout -b name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature

Now you can make your changes locally.

  1. When you’re done making changes, check that your changes pass linting and tests. The following commands will simulate locally all checks executed as part of Terrascan’s CI pipeline:
    $ make cicd
  1. Commit your changes and push your branch to GitHub::
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "Your detailed description of your changes."
    $ git push origin name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature
  1. Submit a pull request through the GitHub website.

Pull Request Guidelines

Before you submit a pull request, check that it meets these guidelines:

  1. The pull request should include tests.
  2. If the pull request adds functionality or policies, the docs should be updated.
  3. Make sure all tests pass by running make cicd.

7 - Changelog


v1.17.0 (2022-11-17)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

Merged pull requests:


v1.16.0 (2022-10-19)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

Closed issues:

  • installation error #1403
  • Calling attention to your documentation… #1384
  • Docs don’t mention pre-requirements #1345
  • resource ID has an invalid format Dockerfile #1344
  • Error message scanning IaC Types #1259
  • False positive with AWS provider >=4.x style bucket resources #1219

Merged pull requests:


v1.15.2 (2022-06-13)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Export Windows files in release using zip extension #1280

Merged pull requests:


v1.15.2 (2022-06-13)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Export Windows files in release using zip extension #1280

Merged pull requests:

  • fixes: panic in case of zap logger init on windows os #1283 (Rchanger)


v1.15.1 (2022-05-20)

Full Changelog

Merged pull requests:


v1.15.0 (2022-05-10)

Full Changelog

Fixed bugs:

  • Issue with Terrascan and CloudFormation #1235

Closed issues:

  • Terrascan 1.13.2 version uses go 1.16.14 version which has High vulnerability. When can we expect the release with go version 1.17? #1190

Merged pull requests:


v1.14.0 (2022-04-01)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

Fixed bugs:

Closed issues:

  • Terrascan creates ~/.terrascan even though policy directory is supplied #1209
  • Terrascan 1.13.2 version uses go 1.16.14 which has High vulnerability. When is the release with go 1.17 version expected? #1183
  • Blocks of type “moved” not supported #1182
  • Intermittent error running terrascan - rego_parse_error: unexpected assign token: non-terminated set #1180
  • cli/run.go:110 scan run failed{error 26 0 failed to initialize OPA policy engine} #1178
  • Can’t parse Terraform variable field: nullable #1176
  • AC_AWS_0214 not backward compatible #1172
  • azurerm_key_vault_secret error not in line with tests #1163
  • Support AWS Terraform provider v4 for S3 buckets #1162

Merged pull requests:


v1.13.2 (2022-02-22)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

Fixed bugs:

Closed issues:

  • Is it possible to use terrascan in an offline environment #1154
  • Support AWS provider version 4.0.0 #1152
  • False positives and false negatives - AC_AWS_0215 / AWS.S3Bucket.DS.High.1043 #1139
  • False positive: AWS.RDS.DataSecurity.High.0414 / AC_AWS_0058 #1135
  • AC_GCP_0014 (dnsStateIsNotOn) false positive #1033

Merged pull requests:


v1.13.1 (2022-02-10)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

Closed issues:

  • Issue with skipped violations using CircleCI and JUnit output format #1122

Merged pull requests:


v1.13.0 (2022-01-05)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • AC_DOCKER_0001 Trigger for no reason #1103
  • Rule ID mismatch for #ts:skip annotation #1097

Merged pull requests:


v1.12.0 (2021-10-21)

Full Changelog

Fixed bugs:

  • A scan should NOT crash if the notification doesn’t work as expected #1044
  • Rotation period for KMS keys not correctly interpreted (GCP) #699

Closed issues:

  • pre-commit hook reporting error with terrascan #1053
  • Terrascan: Not working in a Repository referencing other repository #1030
  • vulnerabilities found in accurics/terrascan_atlantis image #1029

Merged pull requests:

v1.11.0 (2021-10-07)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • How to ignore rules onto whole module included into HCL file #983
  • Adds: support for harbor registry vulnerability fetching #1015 (Rchanger)

Fixed bugs:

  • panic: value is null #1019

Closed issues:

  • helm chart breaking due to invalid configfile name extension #1046

Merged pull requests:


v1.10.0 (2021-08-24)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Add capability to extract references to container images in K8s ecosystem IaC #881

Fixed bugs:

  • Terrascan does not exit with error code in pipeline or CLI #950

Closed issues:

  • Links are Not formatted Properly in Contributor Doc #969
  • Enabling dependabot or renovate for automatic dependency update #959
  • AC_K8S_0131 triggers on a Namespace resource #957
  • Integrity issue with Kustomize v4 support #956
  • Add Support For ECR #927
  • Add capability to extract references to container images in terraform #898
  • Kustomize support says v3 but is actually v4 #891

Merged pull requests:

v1.9.0 (2021-08-06)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Dockerfile Support #798
  • pre-commit hook #311
  • Add support for CFT nested stacks #949
  • Adds support for using Terraform modules cached locally #940

Fixed bugs:

  • Helm chart scans use only 4 policies #946

Closed issues:

  • Link to docks in README #944
  • Ensure remote modules are downloaded only once #936
  • Rule supression for specific resources #868

Merged pull requests:

v1.8.1 (2021-07-22)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • terrascan init should not be triggered if the user only wants to generate normalised json. #926
  • No rules are processed in GitlabCI #925
  • Scanning remote modules doesn’t have same results as for scanning Terraform plan itself #923
  • Module AWS.KMS.Logging.High.0400 seems to serve no purpose #917
  • Secure ciphers are not used in CloudFront distribution #875
  • Correct point in time recovery for DynamoDB still leads to violation #838

Merged pull requests:

v1.8.0 (2021-07-02)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Add Support for new reference id field #786

Fixed bugs:

  • Sarif output has wrong file path value for file scans #861
  • ‘k8s’ key updated multiple times in policy package #439

Closed issues:

  • Terrascan is failing in scan #887
  • Refactor to Disable CGO #884
  • Issue on Azure Pipelines: failed to initialize terrascan 1.7.0 #864
  • Can’t skip rules with underscore #856
  • Recursive Loop Scanning Terraform #851
  • Improve filenames in remote modules #841
  • Issues running terrascan in azure pipelines #835

Merged pull requests:


v1.7.0 (2021-06-09)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Enhancement: Support sarif as output format #775
  • Admission Controller e2e tests #749
  • Enhance terrascan docker to support all terrascan run modes #748
  • Config file changes for server and admission controller #747
  • Create Helm charts for the terrascan admission webhook setup. #685
  • Enhancement: Use module instance name for download directory #672

Fixed bugs:

  • Azure AKS failling to check the network policy status. #789
  • Scan for terraform doesn’t error out if a module definition refers to a directory with no tf files #782
  • Wrong detection of MemoryRequestsCheck,CpuRequestsCheck,noReadinessProbe and nolivenessProbe policy in k8s Job spec #767
  • Update Docker build for terrascan to use numeric UID #766
  • Wrong detection of AllowPrivilegeEscalation (policy AC-K8-CA-PO-H-0165) in K8s pod spec #721
  • Failed to run prepared query error in opa/engine.go #709
  • tfplan should use resource address for id field #702
  • Rule IDs with spaces cannot be skipped #610
  • AWS.CloudFront.Network Security.Low.0568 Doesn’t allow skipping due to space in filename #549
  • Error parsing syntax if using complex query for dynamic ip_restriction in azurerm_function_app or azurerm_app_service ressource #433

Closed issues:

  • Add support for YAML format for terrascan config file #807
  • Add ID field #805
  • Add a middleware to log incoming http(s) requests on terrascan server #784
  • terrascan server: validation missing for –cert-path and –key-path #769
  • show-passed should report passes only for the existing resources #757
  • Out of the box handling of certificates in helm charts for terrascan in Server mode #756
  • In-file Instrumentation #755
  • Release 1.5.2 or 1.6.0 #745
  • Issue in GCP Policyfile unrestrictedRdpAccess.rego #735
  • accurics.azure.AKS.3 is defective #711
  • Rule lambdaNotEncryptedWithKms should not check for KMS when env vars are not being used #682
  • Terrascan does not resolve env var for aws_rds_cluster attribute storage_encrypted #678
  • Valid Terraform configuration fails with s3EnforceUserAcl #659
  • kmsKeyExposedPolicy:22: eval_builtin_error: json.unmarshal: invalid character ‘$’ looking for beginning of value} #627
  • Terrascan not able to find terraform config files in a sub directory, but it works in case of k8s infrastructure type #622
  • Potential nil-dereference found while fuzzing #611
  • terrascan should have a category-list command #597
  • Improved Documentation #416
  • Improve test coverage for k8s #400

Merged pull requests:


v1.6.0 (2021-05-10)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Atlantis Integration #686
  • Enhancement: support for all iac scan for cli #673
  • Feature request: scan sub-folders too #411

Fixed bugs:

  • Admission Controller Doesn’t display feedback for kubectl “create” and “apply” #731

Closed issues:

  • GKE Control Plane is exposed to few public IP addresses #743
  • Error with finding Enable AWS CloudWatch Logs for APIs #730
  • Task: Add to github actions ability to build/push terrascan_atlantis image #728
  • accurics.azure.NS.161 does not work with tfplan #725
  • terrascan “latest” docker image broken for tfplan #718
  • Local expansion recursive infinite loop #690

Merged pull requests:


v1.5.0 (2021-04-23)

Full Changelog

Fixed bugs:

  • Recursive loop expanding variables in included module #675
  • Terrascan doesn’t resolve terraform complex variables #656
  • Panic while resolving floating point variable #652
  • Terrascan using absolute path for “source” value of resource #642
  • Failed to initialize terrascan. error : failed to install policies #614
  • Terrascan not able to read modules within a subdirectory #600
  • Terrascan init command doesn’t work with -c flag #550

Closed issues:

  • Not able to scan repo when google terraform module defined #681
  • The link referencing the documentation to integrate Terrascan into CI/CD is broken #669
  • Make saving of “admission request” configurable via an option in the config file for the validating admission webhook #664
  • Add API_KEY to the /logs endpoint for the validating admission webhook #662
  • Panic: not a string #647
  • unit tests and e2e tests failing on windows #639
  • Add support for private terraform repos #631
  • policy not evaluating #629
  • Terrascan does not support to download modules via SSH #621
  • terrascan scan fails if path and rego_subdir are not provided together in the toml configfile #619
  • Getting error while running scan on our terraform repo #607
  • Terrascan not found policy id #601
  • Policies Violated and Violated Policies are confusing. #598
  • Invalid categories not being validated from config file #594
  • Terrascan API server’s file scan doesn’t work for k8s yaml files #584
  • Add /go/bin to the PATH variable in Docker image #577
  • terrascan scan command doesn’t work with TERRASCAN_CONFIG env variable #570
  • Format junit-xml need to have passed test results, not only failed test #563
  • optimize policy download process in terrascan init #535

Merged pull requests:

v1.4.0 (2021-03-05)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Scanning terraform plan files #407
  • Adds support for junit xml output #527
  • Adds e2e test scenarios for help and scan command #564
  • Adds e2e tests for api server #585
  • Please checkout our new Github Action!

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed a few bugs in the init command and downloading of fresh policies, including #561
  • Difference in violated policies for the same terraform file #519
  • false positive for AWS.Instance.NetworkSecurity.Medium.0506 #404
  • accurics.gcp.IAM.122 needs to take into account the new name for Uniform bucket-level access flag #329
  • fix the ‘repo already exist’ bug and improve error logging for terrascan init #552 (dev-gaur)

Closed issues:

  • terrascan API server’s file scan always returns the resource config #578
  • Issue on Azure DevOps Agents since 1.3.2 : failed to initialize terrascan #561
  • Could not get terrascan init to work - would not download policy documents #551

Merged pull requests:

v1.3.2 (2021-02-03)

Full Changelog

Fixed bugs:

  • terrascan init should download new policies #521

Closed issues:

  • How to get rid of “Anonymous, public read access to a container and its blobs can be enabled in Azure Blob storage. This is only recommended if absolutely necessary.” #405
  • False Positive for accurics.azure.NS.161 when Security Groups Association and Subnets are defined indepently from VNet #391
  • Calico is not supported as a valid Network Security for azurerm_kubernetes_cluster #376

Merged pull requests:

v1.3.1 (2021-01-22)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Support for remote modules
  • Tag container image with release version #504

Fixed bugs:

  • Build error on ARM MacOS
  • terrascan consider source = “terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws” as local path #418
  • Failed to read module directory #332

Closed issues:

  • Custom Variable Validation no longer experiemental in 0.13 #500

Merged pull requests:

v1.3.0 (2021-01-19)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Prints output in human friendly format #168
  • Support for rule suppression using terraform comments,kubernetes annotations, cli arguments, and config file.
  • New Policies for Kubernetes #480
  • Tag released Docker images #398
  • Add policy for checking insecure_ssl configuration for github_repository_webhook in GitHub provider #355
  • Introduced support for terraform .14 and .13. Note: This will introduce some breaking changes for terraform v.12 files, even if using –iac-version v.12 flag. Notably we will no longer support multiple providers blocks, and certain references inside provisioner blocks (objects other than self, count or each, where when = destroy) . For more details see: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/releases/tag/v0.13.0

Fixed bugs:

  • terrascan doesn’t allow registering multiple versions for an iac-type #471
  • Debug resource lock #432
  • terrascan panic: not a string #412
  • False positive for aws rule vpcFlowLogsNotEnabled #408
  • accurics.GCP.EKM.132 and accurics.GCP.EKM.131 wrong violation using disk_encryption_key #382
  • s3EnforceUserACL - False Positive #359
  • How to fix accurics.azure.EKM.20 #331
  • Why accurics.gcp.IAM.104 suggests enabling a client certificate? #330

Closed issues:

  • terraform can’t detect violations in terraform modules #468
  • uniformBucketEnabled.rego referencing deprecated config #453
  • Unable to run terrascan scan #446
  • Terrascan doesn’t exit with error on CLI or Parsing errors. #442
  • Terrascan Failure When Using Terraform 13 + Variable Validation #426
  • Update policy example in documentation to use latest GitHub implementation #422
  • Fix link to repo playground in policies documentation #421
  • terrascan scan crashes with runtime: goroutine stack exceeds 1000000000-byte limit #406
  • Typo error in the terrascan Architecture page #403
  • accurics.gcp.OPS.114 should also check for cos_containerd image #395
  • accurics.gcp.NS.112 suggest basic auth is enabled when is not #394
  • Test coverage missing for kustomize iac-provider #379
  • Why is vpcFlowLogsNotEnabled determined to be a violation? #352

Merged pull requests:

v1.2.0 (2020-11-16)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Add support for Helm #353
  • Add ‘git’ to container image, or run container as ‘root’ user by default #349
  • Add policy for checking insecure_ssl configuration for github_organization_webhook in GitHub provider #339
  • Rule for github_repository seems to be wrongly placed under gcp #325

Fixed bugs:

  • Fail to validate when there are multiple properties with the same name in a resource #1

Closed issues:

  • Deep modules location mis-proccessed. #365
  • 20MB binary file included in repo now #364
  • Private GitHub repositories are not recognized with version 3.0.0+ of GitHub provider #326
  • Terrascan -var-file=../another dir #144
  • Error in test_aws_security_group_inline_rule_open and test_aws_security_group_rule_open #138
  • Intial setup after installation #136
  • Add support for data sources #3
  • Support from modules #2

Merged pull requests:

v1.1.0 (2020-09-16)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

Fixed bugs:

Closed issues:

  • Terrascan wrongly reports a accurics.gcp.NS.130 (checkIpForward) violation #320
  • Allow structure output (Json) #252
  • Throwing Errors when parsing nested brackets in HCL #233
  • Be able to generate xml/html reports #119

Merged pull requests:

1.0.0 (2020-08-16)

Major updates to Terrascan and the underlying architecture including:

  • Pluggable architecture written in Golang. We updated the architecture to be easier to extend Terrascan with additional IaC languages and support policies for different cloud providers and cloud native tooling.
  • Server mode. This allows Terrascan to be executed as a server and use it’s API to perform static code analysis
  • Notifications hooks. Will be able to integrate for notifications to external systems (e.g. email, slack, etc.)
  • Uses OPA policy engine and policies written in Rego.

0.2.3 (2020-07-23)

  • Introduces the ‘-f’ flag for passing a list of “.tf” files for linting and the ‘–version’ flag.

0.2.2 (2020-07-21)

  • Adds Docker image and pipeline to push to DockerHub

0.2.1 (2020-06-19)

  • Bugfix: The pyhcl hard dependency in the requirements.txt file caused issues if a higher version was installed. This was fixed by using the “>=” operator.

0.2.0 (2020-01-11)

  • Adds support for terraform 0.12+

0.1.2 (2020-01-05)

  • Adds ability to setup terrascan as a pre-commit hook

0.1.1 (2020-01-01)

  • Updates dependent packages to latest versions
  • Migrates CI to GitHub Actions from travis

0.1.0 (2017-11-26)

  • First release on PyPI.

* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator

* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator

* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator